
发布时间:2023-04-18 00:19:30 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”以名字命名小发明“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A gadget named after。以下是关于以名字命名小发明八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A gadget named after

The desi of schoolbag is as big as a notebook comr. It's amazing. As long as you put a book in yo schoolbag, all the contents will be stored in the schoolbag by the comr and arranged by the mament personnel.

In this way, when you need to read the textbook, o schoolbag does not need to install a lot of heavy paper books. It has a all keyboard on the sface of the schoolbag and a touch screen, which can be operated You can easily find and open the contents of the stationery bag you want. If you press the button, it will pop up a universal pen.

The universal pen can wte words of vaous colors, rubber, ruler, compass. It has all the stationery functions of you. It doesn't need many stationery.

There is also a "cose" sofare in the comr bag, which can record all yo class schedules in a week It can remind you to prepare for class by tapping and sound. It can also remind you what class to take the next day, such as: "Hey, , the next class is mathemati, but don't forget to open yo math textbook." and a spse. You, oh, that's the massage function of the school.

After a whole day's class, you are very tired. When you put yo bag on yo back, open it and use massage function. Wow, it's really uncomfortable, Fatigue soon disappeared.

Look here, you start to like this bag. It has many magical functions, but now I won't tell you, becse I'm still desiing.




Good morning, ryone. Today I'm going to talk about invention. There are inventions ry day, becse people want to make life easier.

Famous inventions like TV and bicycle TV pvide us with all kinds of information so that we can learn about the world. In addition to some entertainment pgrams, we can also relax oselves. Learning pgrams us learn.

Bicycles are very useful. We de bicycles at school or work. It's not expensive.

Most of us can afford it. It won't pollute. It's good for o envinment.

In addition, cycling is an exciting sport, which is very good for o health. Although there are many great inventions, I hope to invent a pen that can us wte faster and tidier. When we have pblems with homework or exams, it will tell us how to solve these pblems.

thank you.





When I found that there was no oil, I added oil to the ad. I found that the noise on the car was very harsh and distbing, and the emissions polluted the working envinment. I also found that the paper used to be wtten was very soft and easy to be scratched.

After I got home, I be to study three things: the solar anechoic scale, the solar fuel meter, the solar ener fuel meter, which is as hard and soft as a watch, The three functions are all together. The sn buttons on the top are o top-ll fuel and fuel. There is nothing to add to it.

In addition, the engine oil, watches and electnic pducts can increase the power of the holes. The middle o are noise and noise. Plus a hole, you just press the mute button, and water will come out of a hole.

This is to spray water, It will make a sound. There is no car noise, no one talking, no camera noise. There are three types of selection and starting lights below.

The light is like this. No matter how the light changes, it will become hard or soft. If a stone is as soft as bread, the paper will be hard.

No matter how all it is, it can not be cut off. It can also wte. These three things are light and affordable.



标签: 生活英文名  宠物英文名 

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