找工作的英语作文_job-hunting 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-11 07:01:16 阅读:185 点赞:0



Hi, my name is Li Hua. I graduated fm university. I am a year old.

I like learning. I am good at English wting. I can practice my wting ability.

I like it very much. So I often wte my little things in my life. I can speak Cantonese.

I like to do vaous sports with my fends. So I am very healthy. I get along well with people.

I work hard. I think I am qualified to be a secretary, Please give me a chance. I'm waiting for yo reply.

Thank you.




As and companies tend to post vacancies online rather than go to job fairs, most people prefer to find jobs thugh the Internet. Some people think it's convenient for them becse they can check the basic information of a company at any time. Some people think it's not good to find a job online becse some people will use the Internet to find a job The reasons are as follows: first of all, with the rapid dlopment of the Internet, some people will steal yo personal information to take advantage of it.

With the emergence of some neork cmes, these cminals often steal the victim's information thugh the Internet, and then commit cmes. You may be cheated by the false information on the Internet. There are often job seekers who receive some phone calls inviting them to interview, but when they arve at the desiated place, they find this.

Finally, thugh the above ysis, I think it is unwise for us to find a job online, becse yo personal information will be stolen and you will be cheated.




In my opinion, whether college students should continue to study or find a job after graduation has always been a hot topic. Some people think that students should baden their knowledge and study for graduate students. Some people think that students should find a job to make a living.

I am the former, becse I think that students should continue to study to oain knowledge. First of all, most students in the university just have A comprehensive knowledge is not pfessional, so they should continue to study and become experts in a certain field. If they look for a job after graduation, they may not perform well in the work due to the advantages of the work.

Therefore, students should go to graduate school after graduation. Second, college students will get better jobs in the fute if they go to graduate school. There are too many job seekers with bachelor's degree.

Therefore, the first time they look for a job, their salary is very low. Howr, the salary of students with 's degree is higher than that of students with bachelor's degree. Moreover, many companies prefer to hire highly educated students, so a 's degree will be a poty for recruiters compared with a bachelor's degree.

The conclusion is that when students graduate, it is conducive for them to enter graduate school, so as to be pfessional in their field and find better jobs in the fute.




标签: 宠物英文名 

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