
发布时间:2022-11-10 13:34:19 阅读:118 点赞:0

关于”比赛篮球“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Basketball 。以下是关于比赛篮球六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


My favote basketball player my favote basketball player is Yi Jianlian. He won the okie of the year award in his five-year career. In addition to participating in the NBA draft of the Summer Olympi and FIBA World Championships, he was also selected by the Milwkee Bucks of the National Basketball Association.

As the sixth overall draft, Yi Jianlian refused to si with the bucks It was only in August that I agreed to si a contract with the bucks. The Chinese national basketball team has so many great players that I prefer Yi Jianlian.




It's March. Jennie and Lingling go to the school m. They go to the Bob basketball .

They arve at the stadium. They wear blue T-shirts and shorts. They sympathize with the other team.

Jenny and Li Ming have a good time in the . They buy some snacks. They cheer loudly.

Now the atmosphere at the top is so tense that it's decided to win or lose. Now an orange player He threw the ball to the catcher. He threw it on the floor.

He threw it into the net. The cloth team won. The other team lost.




Since I went to middle school, I have spent some time to adapt to the new envinment. Now I have made a lot of fends here. I get along well with my clasates.

The communication beeen students dlops so fast, it must be becse I took part in the basketball match. My partners and I worked hard for my class. In this pcess, we soon became a real team.

When we were in the , other students cheered for us. This is a very good atmosphere, the whole class has become so closed, this time gup activities can bng people together.




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