
发布时间:2024-02-16 07:30:21 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”chaties对话“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Chaties dialogue。以下是关于chaties对话xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chaties dialogue

What kind of food do you think is good for yo health? What kind of food, in yo opinion, is beneficial to people's health. I think vegetables and grains are quite beneficial to people's health. I think so, but it's also important to eat some meat and dairy pducts.

For the sake of nuttional balance, yes, by the way, are there any special local dishes in yo hometown? I'm afraid not in yo opinion. Do you have any special dishes elsewhere? Of cose, I like Xinjiang food, and I beli it's the same. I like their cones, cart fed ce, potato stewed chicken.

They are delicious and special. Even if you are in Xinjiang, they are all made by Xinjiang people, and they are all made under the name of "Xinjiang special wow". I can see that you really like it.

Hey, have it at noon today How about it? You make me want to eat a good food. I know there are some good Xinjiang restaants nearby for us to meet. I'll take you there to trade.




Jessica Jessica, what's yo plan for the weekend? Jessica: you: Jessica: ha, it sounds like a female killer. You: female killer Jessica: No, female killer refers to a very attractive man, and women just come at him. These guys are usually pretty you: ry girl dreams of dating him in college.

He's such a lady killer. Jessica: Well, I didn't know yo boyfend was a high maintenance guy. You: high maintenance Jessica: haha, when you say a person is highly maintenance, it means that he or she is really hard to satiy you: my boyfend is definitely high maintenance, he keeps complaining and is very tolerant Easy to make Jessica angry: I'm sorry, Izu, do you know what might happen to you and that female killer clasate? A good girl like you should have a great person.

I don't think any man is suitable for you. You: Jessica. Jessica: of cose, before we prepare for the party, I'll go with you and tell me what you learned today.

Yr: one Woman killer, a high-income man.




A bcba: Hi, time's gone. How are you? Recently B: I'm fine. You: me, tuso, what's yo plan? Weekend: I'm not.

I haven't thought about why not. Play basketball together. MEB: but where: in the city of stadion: yes? There are extra ones.

Of cose I can. Harvey: OK, it's a della: Recently, I'm thinking about what to do after work. I want to go Gym.

I'm not a member. Do you know who's a member? B: C doesa, can you persuade him to bng me here? TREB: of cose, it's mine. Thank you: it's OK.


甲bcba:嗨,时间不见了,你好吗最近乙:我我很好你啊:我,图索,你有什么计划周末:我没有我可没想过为什么不呢一起打篮球meb:但是在哪里:在城市里斯塔迪昂:是吗有额外当然可以我哈维:好,是一个迪拉:最近,我在考虑下班后应该做什么,我想去体育馆吧我不是会员你知道谁是会员吗成员B:c doesa你能说服他带我来吗特雷布:当然,是我谢谢你:没关系。

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