英语口语考试简单的自我介绍_A brief self introduction to the exam 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-19 15:27:56 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”考试简单自我介绍“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A bef self intduction to the exam。以下是关于考试简单自我介绍雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A bef self intduction to the exam

Hi, today I am a pfessor. I am very happy to meet you here. First of all, I would like to intduce myself to you.

My name is Changlong. My hometown is Nanning. This is a very betiful city.

When I was a little boy, I was interested in biological science. Every possible one had a dream. I also remember that my dream was to be a biologist.

I like to make acles In the same way, if we have to exist in the universe, then I will find the answer book myself. I still beli that interest is the best teacher today. Secondly, I will intduce the major universities in China.

I mainly focus on bioengineeng. The relationship beeen Bioscience and them can be shown as an example: vers, bioscience, this frequently discovered new discovery and Theory, which is the commander of o country's main vers and, in fact, pays attention to utilization. It seems that at the end of the year, the interaction beeen them is not very good.

In the discovery and theoretical Biological Sciences, pducts can be tranormed as soon as possible. All the fo-year college education in modern industry has given me a lot of things to learn. There are many opportunities to try and a lot of pgrams to impve myself, not only teaching me how to learn I have put forward a lot of good fends to me impve my study and research ability, make rything look like a person, and often intduce me to a good learning mode in addition to me.

I also have many advantages in my spare time. I may play football, which is why I want to enhance my health How to teach me to join a gup to deal with other people's painting and wting is another support for me. In short, I choose a wide range of subjects.

I think in biological science, to impve o learning ability, I will stve to join new gups and do a good job in graduate students.




After reading the adventes of Tom Sawyer, it is concluded that I have read a lot of books, but it should belong to the most unforgettable book left to me. The thor of this book is the great Amecan wter Mark Twain literate. But the ptagonist of this book, but one of the books is tainted, nghty, ideal, also has a lot of tubles, and mantic children, Tom's parents go In my nt's early days, in my nt's eyes, he was a monkey like man, but he couldn't being like Tom.

Fm Tom, we saw o own shadow: art, brave, upght, optimistic and compassionate. Tom was a little rebellious and had a dream to be a fugitive. In their eyes, the bbers were a good example of maxica people.

Tom was here In a world full of sun, tell us that as long as you have happiness and dreams, yo dreams will come true. I beli that in the days to come, I will remember such a person in my life.




Hello ryone, today is my birthday. I am very honored to have the opportunity to show myself. I am an optimistic person, so I can adapt to the study envinment in Australia.

I also like basketball and football very much. Garnett and Kaka are my favote sports stars. I hope the Beijing Olympic Games can be a complete success.



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