学英语的收获和感受50字_Learning harvest and feeling 50 words 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-03 10:05:34 阅读:204 点赞:0

关于”学收获和感受50字“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Learning harvest and feeling 50 words。以下是关于学收获和感受50字小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Learning harvest and feeling 50 words

I have made great pgress, especially in English. I used to be poor in English, but now with the of my teacher, I speak English very well, and my final exam English is very good. Moreover, I took part in the school sports meeting and won the second place in the meter run.

This is becse I always run in the morning. When my mother is ill, I can take care of others, and she has to stay in bed. I cook for her and wash her clothes.

I also prescbed medicine and hot water for her so that I could take care of my sick mother.




My name is Annie. I am 13 years old. I live in Shanghai.

I have long hair and o all ears. I have a big eye. I have a all nose and a all mouth.

I am very tall. I am in class 1, grade 6. My birthday is January 1.

I like dogs. Its name is boboit. It's white.

I often play it. My favote sport is playing tennis and tennis My favote subject is China. I often my clasates.

I am a sun girl.




As time went on, on the first day of my college life, I became a little bit hard to remember rything about myself. One thing is for se, I was really excited and cuous about my university. There is no dou that students like me have struggled for a long time in order to be allowed to enter the University.

To be honest, I did not handle some things pperly. For example, once I spent nearly a whole day playing comr s by myself. We college students are already s.

It is o duty to dlop oselves by learning new pfessional skills in University, unless we are Only when we have a correct attitude towards o study and life can we get ch and colorful expeences in University. I have just been to university for o years. Some of my clasates say that life is bong becse they have enough time, but they don't know what to do.

In my opinion, college campus life is interesting and colorful. As long as you make it meaningful in the first semester of University, I don't relax, I still work hard. I usually spend o hos studying in the ning.

I am in college The difference is that I have a lot of extraccular activities. For example, I go to the English corner regularly on Tuesday night, where I can practice my spoken English and make fends with common interests. In addition, I joined the student union of my department in the student union.

I have a gup of colleagues who work hard together and support each other. In vaous activities, we can share o lives together, just like a warm family. I realize the importance of team spit and us go fther.





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