
发布时间:2024-01-14 16:07:18 阅读:38 点赞:0

关于”用名词“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Nouns used。以下是关于用名词xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Nouns used

English is my favote subject. I think English is very interesting and useful. That's why I study English.

I think reading English books and watching some English movies can us impve o English ll, becse we can impve o reading and understanding ability, which is also good for o grammar. I beli it can us learn English better, but I think the most important thing in learning English is that practice makes perfect, so the first thing we should do is to study hard.




2:使用名词,Chopsticks are all tapered sticks, used in pairs and of equal len. They are traditional tableware in Greater China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. They are generally belid to have oginated in ancient China.

Chopsticks can also be found in Tibet and Nepal in some areas close to the Han nationality. Chopsticks are usually made of bamboo or plastic, but they are also made of metal, bone, ivory and vaous kinds of wood. This pair of chopsticks moves one hand beeen the thumb and fingers, and the habit of using chopsticks to eat most Chinese food is to eat with chopsticks.

With some exceptions, some of the most important rules to remember when eating with chopsticks are as follows: keep the chopsticks toward its end, not in the middle or fnt third, when you are not using chopsticks, or after eating, put the chopsticks in fnt of you Use lefties to put chopsticks in yo food, especially not ce. This is a funeral tradition, including the bones of a cremated corpse. Don't fork food with chopsticks.

Don't point to food with chopsticks. Don't wave or play with chopsticks. Don't use chopsticks to move dishes or bowls to divide food into o parts.

Exert contl on chopsticks Move them apart to shred the food. This requires some practice with larger foods (such as tempa). If you have already eaten with chopsticks, you can also use chopsticks to pick up the whole chopstick, then take a bite and use the other end to share fm a shared one platehttp://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlfr=newQuestion.





3:用名词,After the meeting, you must keep the meeting om clean. Please take out yo documents and personal belongings. The office is a public place.

When you use the office, you should pay attention to the sanitation of the office. Don't spit and thw people into the garbage at will. Before you make the office desk and comr related office supplies, let yoself have a supeor working envinment.

Before going to work, he will close the office Tn off the comr power supply equipment, such as: air conditioning water dispenser, close the doors and windows, in the case of good light, it is safe to leave the office after closing.



标签: 男宝宝英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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