关于保护海洋的英语作文_Protect the ocean 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-08 12:42:03 阅读:309 点赞:0

关于”保护海洋“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Ptect the ocean。以下是关于保护海洋xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptect the ocean

The ocean is a whole with us. First of all, the ocean itself has a great pification capacity of dealing with pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation, but its pification capacity is not unlimited. When toxic and harmful substances are accepted by local waters and exceed its self pification ability, pollution will be csed.

In addition, although there are many resoces in the ocean, but the ocean is not The regeneration of resoces takes time. If we can't contl the dlopment of mane resoces and do not pay attention to the ptection of these resoces, one day, therefore, the ptection of the ocean is extremely important.




The mane envinment is a complex resistant to hydlysis and suspended solids, seabed sediments and mane oris in water and sea water. The ocean is ch in biological resoces, mineral resoces, chemical resoces and electc power resoces. It is an indispensable trease house of human resoces, which is closely related to human svival and dlopment.

At present, the main goal of mane ptection is to ptect mane living resoces, According to the United Nations svey, poty should be given to the ptection of precious and extremely endangered mane oris csed by overfishing, accidental capte and killing of non target oris to allow ting of the ocean, construction of coastline, mangve felling, and large-scale mane pollution. At least the world's most valuable fishery resoces are exhsted, and whales, ttles and sea are exhsted Many mane animals, such as cattle, are in danger of extinction. It is estimated that with the expansion of mane dlopment scale, mane biological resoces are likely to cse greater damage.

The first task of mane ptection ghts is to stop the excessive dlopment of oris, and secondly, to ptect the habitats or habitats of mane oris, especially their migration, spawning and foraging, to avoid the coast, beach, estuary and coral reef Such predators must prnt the harm of heavy metals, pesticides and oil. Oric nutents such as eutphication can pollute the ocean, ptect the natal regeneration capacity and water pification capacity of mane biological resoces, maintain the mane ecological balance, and ense the sustainable dlopment and utilization of the ocean.




We live in the earth. The Shanghai Ocean is the ocean on the earth's sface and the earth's water warehouse. While the ocean pvides food and vaous resoces for human beings, people get fm the ocean, but the harm is too great, such as overfishing, litteng and polluting water.

We should ptect the ocean. If people do not stop destying the mane envinment, we will retaliate in the near fute, Then will face a great disaster.



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