
发布时间:2023-04-07 14:20:01 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”生参加社会实践“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Students participate in social practice。以下是关于生参加社会实践专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students participate in social practice

As a student, I can learn a lot fm books. Books tell me all kinds of things. I am happy to read.

But I know that the things in books are not like the old saying that theory is linked with practice. Social practice is very necessary for students to learn things first. What we learn fm books is to teach us to know the world.

It only pvides us with theoes Second, the ppose of learning is to svive and the world. We need to work and make money. If we don't cooperate well, we will be dven out.

Social practice is necessary.




For a college student, part-time job has many advantages. First, part-time job can give you the opportunity to show yo ability and apply what you have learned in school. Second, part-time job in business can cultivate a sense of competition, which is what you need in the fute.

It increases yo confidence in yoself, becse you can realize yo own value thugh work. Moreover, it s students cultivate their sense of independence, lighten their parents' financial bden. With the money you earn, you can buy anything you need for yo study.

Part time work has some disadvantages, which often distracts students' attention. Obviously, if you work for a few hos at work, it's hard to focus on yo studies. Becse of the advantages and disadvantages of part-time work, you may spend most of yo time thinking about how to impve yo work.

You must stke a balance beeen study and work. Learning is yo main task, while part-time work is a secondary task, although work expeence is desirable.





11、 After o summer holidays, the company had little contact with the company's social mament skills, but after o years of practice, they had a good understanding of the company's social mament skills Touching the relevant pfessional knowledge and realizing the importance of team cooperation, in February, I trained and exchanged relevant personnel data with people. In Apl, in the practice of Jianin social secuty center registration office, in a month's time, I studied a lot of (employment, traner, traner) operation sequence and needs, also understood a sees of operation pcedes, and could be familiar with them Fm Apl to now, I have been practicing in the Agency Department of Wuxi Vocational intduction center, understanding family relationship and the integration of business work and social secuty declaration. I understand the importance of archives and the arrangement of archives.

At the same time, I understand that file work needs patience and dedication.



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