应聘的英语自我介绍_Self introduction of the candidate 5篇

发布时间:2022-11-10 16:16:06 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”应聘自我介绍“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Self intduction of the candidate。以下是关于应聘自我介绍专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Self intduction of the candidate

Good morning, ryone. I'm Nicole. I'm a graduate of Shuda campus of Hunan Normal University.

After graduation, my major is English education. I've worked in Liyang children's English school for a year. My students are beeen and.

I'm outgoing and cheerful in my spare time. I have a wide range of interests, such as reading, ing the Internet, listening to music, and n chatting with forei fends online. If possible, I like it very much Children, I think children are very active, and pe with them.

I feel relaxed, so I hope to be younger. I have learned a lot fm one year's work expeence. Teaching children English is very interesting, but it is also very challenging.

Becse children are always active and sometimes n nghty, teachers need a lot of patience to treat children. Fm my one-year teaching expeence, the most important point I have learned is that a teacher should always want to continue learning. If I have the opportunity, teaching is a job that will nr be satiied.

I will try my best to be a good pmary school English teacher.




I am a junior in the school of mateals, Hunan University, majong in mateals. I am familiar with the pduction pcess and function evaluation of commonly used mateals. I have sral off campus internships ding my school.

The internship companies include Chang'an Automobile Co., Ltd., and Guangxi Pingguo branch of Chalco. I have manufacting technolo and engineeng technolo expeence, and have three years of scientific research expeence. I have found and solved pblems I am also a positive and enterpsing person.

I am good at communicating and cooperating with others. I like challenges. I want to be a member of the company.

Thank you.




Good morning, my name is XX. I'm very honored to have this interview opportunity. I hope I can perform well today.

I learned English for many years ding my high school study. I have English classes tght by forei teachers ry week. I keep communication with forei teachers, treat people warmly and sincerely.

I work as secretary of Youth League branch in the school. I have stng orizational ability, practice and team spit God, I can quickly adapt to the envinment and integrate into it. I hope the interviewer can give me a chance to be qualified for this job.



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