
发布时间:2024-02-07 03:54:19 阅读:59 点赞:0

关于”看待友谊“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Look at fendship。以下是关于看待友谊高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Look at fendship

I chesh fendship. Everyone needs fends becse they can give you encoagement, you overcome difficulties and add luster to yo life. You must be grateful to them.

Many people abandon fends for money or power. This is absolutely wng. You should know that money and power are temporary, fends are temporary, and ryone's Creed is always without fends None of them.

Once upon a time, my life was heartbken. My fends gave me a lot of sympathy, joy and love. These things saved me.

I know that I am so happy and lucky. I owe my fends a lot of kindness. I can repay them, but I understand that they don't need me.

In my opinion, this is true fendship. I really chesh it,.




The word "fend" has a wide range of meanings, including nodding acquaintance, comrades, partners, playmates, bthers, etc. becse life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need fends to support us thugh difficulties, and we also need fends to warn us in case of danger. True fends not only share happiness, but also, often, they share sadness and difficulties with fendship, Without fendship, life is happy and harmonious, life is full of hostility and miortune.

I have ordinary fends, some are ch, some are humble, some are like me, to be an ordinary teacher, to read and wte, to be satiied with a life for many of my fends, I know what to chesh, what to tolerate, what to share, I will nr forget my old fends, Constantly make new fends, I will not be indifferent to poor fends, will care about them, n if it is just a word of comfort.




What does fendship mean? There is no eternal theme in literate, and fendship is indispensable in daily life. Fendship is like salt when we are happy. Fendship is like icing on the cake when we are sad.

If you encounter difficulties, fendship is a comfort. Fends will sund you and remove obstacles for you. If you have difficulties, you can tn to yo fends for .

We ade the great fendship beeen Marx and Engels, which closely combined them and pushed them forward on the ad of explong and realizing communi. Fendship is not rything, but without it, no one can live happily.




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