关于雾霾的英语作文_smog 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-10 04:31:29 阅读:132 点赞:0



Traffic accidents happen frequently. Becse of the bad weather, I must be very careful when I css the ad. So ry morning, I can only see the buildings dozens of miles away.

The air is dirty becse of the haze. My mother told me to put on the respirator. The weather is really bad these days.

I n feel difficult to breathe. When do I go to school, I will pull back the ctains and get fog Yes, there is fog in the air. We can't see far.

And I hope dvers can dve carefully and ense safety.




When winter comes, the topic of haze will nr be iored. Many pictes will make people lgh at these pictes. They will n lgh at themselves.

Even in the daytime, they will live with the poisonous air. People can't see their faces. Many schools choose to stop classes and let students stay at home.

Obviously, haze is a great threat to people's health Threatening this new type of damage is the result of polluters chasing pfits and beang the cost of polluting the envinment. Now their descendants have to do so. It's not too late to do anything to ptect o planet.




Fm the new year's Eve to the Lantern Festival, than half of the time in Beijing is affected by og. People suffer a lot on the ad becse they can't see clearly and dve slowly. People also suffer fm a lot of diseases csed by og.

Beijing's og is csed by many factors. In this regard, the gwth of cars in the city plays an important le. Cars emit a lot of toxic gases, which in tn The past has exacerbated the already seous air pollution.

The number of cars should be limited. We should appeal to people to use public transport. Only in this way can we expect sunny weather.



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