向世界介绍中国的英语演讲稿_Introduce China's speech to the world 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 03:17:40 阅读:277 点赞:0

关于”向世界介绍演讲稿“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduce China's speech to the world。以下是关于向世界介绍演讲稿专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce China's speech to the world

I have only been to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Fujian, Jiangxi and other cities to intduce Chinese people to foreiers. Therefore, in my opinion, I would like to intduce to you that China is a vast tertory and ch in resoces. China is not a land of gold rywhere.

Ha ha ha ha, I have to say that we should treat Chinese people correctly. Howr, it is precisely bee China is a dloping country, Therefore, China is a betiful Chinese who knows that the awakened lion is very betiful. Fujian's sea water in the East China Sea is very blue.

China is a country that will bng you spses. Of cose, the world cheers for it. Besides food, we also have many social pblems and some imperfect laws.

The social secuty needs to be impved, including air, water and food Howr, please beli me, China's pblems are, as ryone wants to go abad, there are Chinese in the United States, and Chinese and ch people are needed to stay here and stay. In the dlopment, o country is getting better and better.




China is an ancient great change. There is a country with a long history of 5000 years. China has been sing the dangeus situation again and again with its sonous and powerful body.

At present, China is already a stng body. China is becoming stnger and stnger, and will gradually appach the national trease of dloping countes. The giant panda is only charmingly .

The opening of peony is the chest time in China. I love you.




Apl, may, September and October are the most popular toust destinations in China. The weather is the most comfortable. The pce dps slightly fm November to March and fm June to August.

Winter is the peak season for the world-famous Ice Lantern Festival in Hainan Island and northeast Harbin. These months are also full of New Year holidays. Chinese Spng Festival and happy s in other countes or places are also cwded in these months.

Summer is to explore China The good time for the Far East Chinese mainland is mostly temperate in the ual and seasonal climate, but in the southern part of the tpi or supi, the northern regions in different regions of the cold climate, for example, the northern part of Manchua is a winter climate with no summer. Hainan Island has a summer climate and no winter in. The following is the reference table of toust's travel preparation clothing in spng: ° C, suit, jacket, sports coat, wool jacket, long sle shirt and travel shoes in summer: ° C and above, T-shirt, short sle shirt, skirt, sandals, hat, raincoat; tumn: ° C, suit, jacket, sports coat, light woolen sweater, raincoat and travel shoes in winter: ° C or lower, coat, cotton padded coat, cold Cold area lining coat a hat, need gloves and cotton shoes.



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