
发布时间:2023-11-18 17:59:10 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”相信父母“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Trust parents。以下是关于相信父母考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Trust parents

Filial piety to parents is one of the traditional moral concepts in China. Most of the students are the only child in the family. They often regard themselves as the center of the family.

Without cang about their parents, o school starts a "respect parents" activity when the new year comes. The ppose of this pgram is to make students understand, including: remember yo parents' birthday, And express yo best wishes to them. When you see yo parents coming home, say hello to them and tell them where yo parents will go when you leave home.

The pject is a success and has won praise fm parents and other sectors of society. People say that's what we should have done earlier.




Not only parents, but also fends. Everyone has his parents. They not only give us children, but also take care of us in o life.

But I think you can make fends with yo parents. My answer is yes. In my opinion, we can make fends with o parents.

We should exchange ideas and ideas. We should tell them something about o study and school life. On the other hand, parents should care about their children's thoughts and thoughts, not their study, and tell them about their work.

Parents should not only be parents, but also be good fends 。 I try to make them pud of their son and that makes them happy. I know what they want, they just want me to have a good life when they are happy, which must be a good thing for the grea parents in the world. I just want to say, "I love you.".






Why doesn't my mother trust me? Why doesn't she stop nagging me? Why doesn't dad lend me his laptop? Why doesn't he stop questioning where I am? How can I learn to trust? If I've nr been trusted, ry ager has or less expeenced these emotional conflicts and setbacks. When it comes to family issues, the time gap seems to be n bigger, especially in today's liberation More than r before, we think that we have gwn up and we are mate enough to iore mom's nagging, but anyway, when parents give advice to their children, they are always kind-hearted. Their wores and dous are not based on mistrust, but on their expeence and selfless love.

That's why n if we are indifferent to them, They nr give up on us. It took sral years for some people to realize that their quarrel with their parents is meaningless after all, but we all have the opportunity to avoid this regret and sit down with o parents and tell them what we think we have always had the opportunity and ability to communicate.



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