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关于”风能缺点“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of wind ener。以下是关于风能缺点考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of wind ener

When things are gent for me, I get impatient and make a mess of myself. Impatience is my weakness. I know it's not good for me, but I can't contl myself now.

I've learned to do things slowly. I can't lose contl no matter how bad things are. I beli I can overcome my weakness and be a better person.




Fossil ener and nuclear ener are considered as non renewable ener. Non renewable ener is oained fm ener at a rate exceeding the rate of resoce replenishment. For example, if the biological ogin of fossil fuels is correct, we can think that fossil fuels are renewable for millions of years, but existing fossil fuel stocks are consumed over centies, becse we consume fossil fuels faster than we replenish them.

We think fossil fuels are non renewable. Similar comments apply to nuclear fuels For example, anium, as we have observed in the following chapters, solar ener is considered to be renewable ener for the following reasons: renewable ener is the ener oained fm ener at a rate lower than or equal to the supplementary ener of solar ener. We can only use the amount of ener pvided by the sun, becse for the remaining life, many people think that solar ener is inexhstible ener, in fact, fm too much Solar ener of Yang is limited, but it should be used by sral generations.

Therefore, solar ener is considered to be non renewable ener related to solar ener, such as wind ener and biomass ener. Solar radiation can be converted into other forms of ener thugh sral conversion pcesses. Thermal conversion depends on absorbing solar ener to heat a cold sface solar ener release As a result of quantum mechanical pcess, the conversion of wind ener and ocean ener depends on atmosphec presse gradient and ocean temperate gradient to generate electcity.

In this chapter, we focus on thermal conversion. We first discuss the soces of available solar ener, and then consider o of the three forms of solar technolo: passive solar and active solar, and the third form of solar ener, solar power generation. In the next chapter, we conclude this chapter with a discussion of solar power plants.





My strens and weaknesses are important becse they can us to impve oselves better. Therefore, we should know oselves as much as possible. I think I have three main advantages: filial piety, honesty and diligence, filial piety and honesty are the o basic qualities that people should have.

Hard work s to acquire knowledge and impve themselves. Howr, no one is perfect. I also have some weekly points.

For example, I have nr made a plan for my life and study. Therefore, sometimes I am a little lazy becse I have not to finish it The task, I hope I can change and better.



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