
发布时间:2024-03-05 18:16:41 阅读:159 点赞:0

关于”帮助别人结尾“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The end of ing others。以下是关于帮助别人结尾初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The end of ing others

Help others or less live in the same society, we get fm others, o parents, relatives, teachers, fends and n strangers, we should lend a ing hand when others need , we should pass on this kind of love, as long as ryone can contbute a love, the world will become a all world for us personally Helping others will bng us happiness and a sense of achiment. We will be glad to see that we can others. In addition, ing others is ing oselves.

To some extent, one of the most betiful compensations in life is to others sincerely. When we get , I think ses will also appear. The ell left is the best descption of ing others.




How do you want to others? Helping those who need is not only ing others, but also a way to impve oselves. So, first of all, how should we others? We must make se that we have the ability to . We must tell others that we must be ght becse we can't mislead others by ing others.

Second, we should remember that what we do is Others, instead of asking for anything in retn, we should show o patience. Even if the pblem is difficult, we will not , unless we will to the end. Helping others will win people's respect.

We should always lend a ing hand.




When we were children, we were told that we should others, becse they need o . We often do what we told us when we were young, but when we gw up, we dare not others, becse the society becomes and complex, some people will set traps for good people, for example, you see an old lady fall on the gund, you want to her, but, you may You will be charged for pushing her down, and you will be asked to pay for medical treatment. Yes, such things often happen, but ing others is o Chinese tradition.

We should do this under any circumstances. Helping others can not only others, but also others. When ing others, you will feel happy and satiied.

So please those who need carefully.



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