
发布时间:2023-05-16 15:09:17 阅读:77 点赞:0

关于”介绍书“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intduction book。以下是关于介绍书高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction book

About me, I'm Miao Yufeng. Maybe the word "average" can best descbe me, my average height, average weight and average skin color. I have a thin face, eyes and a sharp nose.

My hair is black, short and straight. I nr gw my hair long. I look like my mother and my father, but I inhet the best part of them.

I have been gwing up in money I have a lot of hobbies: reading books, keeping pets, clothes and so on. I like volleyball very much, but I can't often play volleyball becse it's a team sport. It's hard to get enough people to play volleyball with me.

It's a pity that I get great please fm my hobbies. Generally speaking, I am open, honest and easygoing. I hate hypocsy and injustice.

Fairness is very important to me. Everything I do is fair. I really appreciate my physical and mental independence.

I'm a bit disorized and impatient. Sometimes I don't have many fends, but I do have some. I have boyfends and girlfends, we do sports, we go shopping together, we exchange ideas and Thinking, shang happiness and sadness, of cose, we each other if necessary.

I always think that I am a lucky person. I am very lucky in my family, in my career, in my fendship, in many things, in my life. I am really grateful for all this.





Today is Satday. My o clasates and I went to the bookstore. This is the biggest bookstore in my city.

There are many books. We went to the cartoon book area. Then we stayed there for a long time.

We found o favote book and read it there. It was very quiet in the bookstore. Finally, we bought some books we liked and went home together.




Ernest Hemingway, one of the grea Amecan wters in the 20th centy, is a representative work of the lost generation in reading the old man and the sea. Born in oak garden in July, he worked as a jonalist in AMD after graduating fm high school in Illinois. He worked as an ambulance dver in the Italian infantry team.

He was injed and hospitalized before his birthday. Hemingway fell in love with an elderly nsein. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Pze for literate in his life.

Hemingway mared fo times and wte many short stoes and novels. Hemingway committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho in July. The book "the old man and the sea" is one of Hemingway's most lasting works.

It is told in very and powerful language. It is wtten by an old Cuban fisherman Hemingway fought a merciless and painful battle with a giant marlin in in the Gulf stream. Hemingway reshaped a classic theme in his distinctive contemporary style: coage in the face of faile and personal victory fm faile.

This highly succesul novella confirms his stren and existence in the literary world and wins the Nobel Pze for him Literary awards have played a huge le. Old Santiago is descbed by other fishermen in the village as a long-term faile of not fishing, but he should be regarded as a he. When he played hand s with the great black man of cienfugos, he was the stngest man on the dock.

When he fought with the big marlin, you can find his optimi, confidence, wisdom, persrance and coage rywhere, which is not only becse of this For these, and he regards these as the things he must do, the rules he must abide by, such a man is a real man, a great man, all his characters are worth learning, not only in Hemingway's time, but also for some kind of people, and for all of us, let us always remember his words, but man is not born for faile Man can be destyed, but not defeated.




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