
发布时间:2023-04-09 02:43:38 阅读:79 点赞:0

关于”溺爱孩子“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Dote on children。以下是关于溺爱孩子xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dote on children

For the healthy gwth of children, parents should give their children full love. Howr, children's love becomes excessive indulgence and indulgence. Indulgence in children's health is harmful to the gwth of these children, and it is difficult to adapt to the normal social life and competitive envinment.

The behavior pblems that may ase may ase. Parents are deeply wored about and spoil their children. The so-called "spoiling children" is Children have not become the ot of parents' education, or parents should reflect on: what kind of education and influence we give children, what children really lack is comprehensive education.

It seems that there are sral aspects of Education: lofty ideals and lack of education. Many children want to gw up to be "boss" or "official". In fact, this is the parents (and some social thoughts) The lack of children's desire for education can not be underestimated.

Children lack good habits. If parents don't have the habit of reading and study and treat gifts, beer and all dishes, it doesn't need children's hard study and lack frustration to educate their doting children to lead a "Pnce" or "Pncess" life Live, and indulge in children may have no bden, stng frustration ability, but also difficult to overcome difficulties and coastal ad setbacks.




Parents are born to love their children, and Chinese parents are no exception. Chinese parents tend to spoil their children, becse due to family planning, each family is allowed to have only one child. If their parents are not addicted to their children's parents, they may be likely to put their children's parents in the face of their children's cruelty Love their children, becse only one child is allowed in each family.

Becse of birth contl, too much hope is placed on the baby children. If they want stars, they will n climb up and pick them off. They are self-centered.

Spoiled children depend on their parents for rything. Once they face the cruel reality, they are likely to succumb to the hardships and difficulties in life. Parents love them Chinese parents are no exception.

Chinese parents tend to dote on their children, becse each family is allowed only one child becse of family planning. They place too much hope on their baby children. If they want, stars may n climb up and take themselves as the center.

Spoiled children depend on their parents for rything. As a result, once they face each other, they will have to rely on their parents To the harsh reality, they are likely to yield to the hardships and difficulties in life.




Parents are born to love their children, and Chinese parents are no exception. Chinese parents tend to spoil their children becse ry family can only have one child becse of family planning. They put too much hope on their baby's children.

If they want stars, they will n climb up and take them off. They are self-centered. Spoiled children depend on their parents for rything.

Once they face the cruel reality, they are likely to succumb to the hardships and difficulties in life.



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