
发布时间:2023-04-30 09:14:44 阅读:676 点赞:0

关于”理想做导游“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ideal guide。以下是关于理想做导游初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal guide

Hello, this is Li Hua, a student fm XXX middle school. I am wting to tell you about my difficulties in learning English. My English is the worst, the exam is poor, but I don't think I'm lazy.

I read English ry morning and practice ry day, but I can't remember these new words and phrases. It's a little difficult in grammar. I don't know how to use tenses.

Dear XXX, I want to know whether my English learning method is correct. I can give me some suggestions. Thank you for yo reply.

Hello, Li Hua.




My dream some people say that the ideal life is the ideal life. I don't think my dream home is very big, but it must be very betiful. There are at least o gardens, one in the fnt and the other in the back.

There are many flowers in my garden. When I get close to my home, I can ell the fragrance of flowers and there are many kinds of fruit trees, so I can eat fruits all the year und at home. There is a big living om.

There are many desserts on the coffee table. I can have snacks with my fends. I can eat desserts while watching TV.

All the oms should be clean and betiful. You don't think my dream is very good. This is my dream home, but I am My dream life will come true soon.

Some people say that the ideal life is the ideal of life. I don't think my dreamer is very big, but it must be very betiful. There are at least o gardens, one in the fnt and the other in the back.

There are a lot of flowers in the garden. When I get close to my home, I can ell my fragrance. There are many kinds of fruit trees in the flowers.

So I can eat fruits all the year und at home. There is a big living om. There are many desserts on the coffee table.

I can share these snacks with my fends. I can eat sweets while watching TV. My om is clean and betiful.

Don't you think my dream is Good. This is my dream home, but I think my dream will come true soon. Some people say that the ideal life is the ideal life.

I don't think my dreamer is very big, but it must be betiful. There are at least o gardens, one in fnt and the other in the back. There are many flowers in my garden.

When I get close to my home, I can ell the fragrance of flowers and there are many kinds of fruit trees, so I can eat fruits all the year und at home. There is a big living om. There are many desserts on the coffee table.

I can share snacks with my fends. I can eat desserts while watching TV. My om should be clean and betiful.

You don't think my dream is very good. This is my dream home, but I think my dream It will come true soon.





Everyone has a dream. Now I'm going to talk about my dream. What's my dream? Now I'm a young girl with a new dream to be a doctor.

I want to be a famous doctor, patients and save their lives. Why did my dream change so well? At the age of my illness, I was seously ill, I was told that I had cancer, and I had to Leaving my school and my fends and going to the hospital ry day, I suffer fm the tuble csed by this disease. I also see that some people are suffeng fm pain and illness.

I am determined to become a doctor so that I can patients and ce their diseases. China is a dloping country. She needs good drugs and good doctors, especially in ral areas and remote areas I want to the poor patients in o country as much as I can.

I want them to have the opportunity to get the best treatment without paying too much or any money. I will try my best to ce the incable diseases. I hope to see a world without cancer, and fatal diseases.

I beli that thugh the joint efforts of you and me, will end his physical pain Bitter, my dream will come true one day.



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