
发布时间:2023-12-22 16:41:04 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”修建公共厕所好处“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Benefits of building public toilets。以下是关于修建公共厕所好处xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of building public toilets

Using census data fm than one million people in Austa, Denmark and Australia, an Austan scientist has concluded that people born in tumn live longer than those born in spng and are less likely to suffer fm chnic diseases when they are older. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for population research in the northern German city of Rostock have found that the month of birth and the season in which mothers eat dung preancy The life expectancy of different age gups is related to the infection at different time of the year, which may affect the health of the newborn and the life expectancy of the later years. "A mother who gives birth in the spng goes thugh the last stage of her preancy in winter, when she takes less vitamins than in summer," said Gabel doberhammer, a team of scientists in Austa who cared out the study, "when she stops breastfeeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it's in hot summer that babies are susceptible to infection of the digestive ." Adults born in tumn (October 12) live sn months longer than those born in spng (Apl 6).

In Denmark, s born in tumn live fo months longer than those born in spng. This picte is similar to s born in tumn in Australia. In Eupe, spng lives fo months longer than those born in spng in Australia.

The study used death certificates and census data to study people born at the beginning of the centy, and although nuttional status has impved thughout the year since then, Doblhammer said seasonal patterns still exist.




The plane is fast, but the cost is high. It is suitable for long distance. The train is convenient and the cost is apppate.

The seat is also comfortable (sleeper). It is suitable for long-distance public transportation. It is cheap, but it is not suitable for long-distance travel.

Moreover, consideng the safety, the train safety factor is relatively high. We can see the advantages and disadvantages of public buses rywhere. The buses are very cheap.

If we want to go far away, I People usually choose to take a bus becse it is the cheapest subway. A taxi is much expensive than a bus. The starting pce of a taxi is enough for us to take a bus for a few days.

In addition, fm the perspective of envinmental ptection, public bus is a means of transportation for envinmental ptection, which is much than pvate cars. Therefore, the istrative department suggests that we should make sideline buses for the sake of envinmental ptection, Howr, there are also many shortcomings. The passenger capacity of the bus is very all, so it is often cwded dung rush hos.

In addition, the seats of the bus are not very comfortable and the bus speed is not fast. Moreover, according to certain utes, such as traffic accidents, we can not only bypass the bus within the specified time, so we often need to wait for the bus, sometimes it is a waste of time bus There are both advantages and disadvantages for us, so we need to make different choices according to different choices.




This is on the leno show. Jay walked into the dience and found the most embarrassing first date. A woman told her about her first date.

She said it was snowing and cold, and the man took her to ski. It was a day-to-day tp, not overnight. They were strangers.

They nr met before the date started. They came back that afternoon. They were sitting in the car.

She unated badly, but it was an ho before she retned to civilized society. He said she should try to hold it. She did it for a while.

Finally, she told him that he could stop and let him go She peed on the side of the ad or in his fnt seat, and they stopped, and she went to the car, pulled her pants down and started well. She didn't have a good balance, so she put her butt against the rear fender to stabilize herself. He was a real gentleman.

When she finished, she soon found her warm buttocks sticking to the fender. She soon realized that she had a real pblem. She was trying to get d of his fender.

He was also a little wored. Finally, she ced and asked her whether she was ok, red face. She said that she fze her buttocks fm her and finally had to ask for Now, it's not the worst story.

There's to come. She takes off her sweater, wraps herself up as much as she can, and asks him to come and see if he can after the lghter subsides. They assess the situation.

They have a real pblem, and they agree that they need something warm to melt her. When she thinks about her pee on the floor, she thinks unation is The only thing they can free her fm. After explong all the other possible solutions, she looked in the other direction, and he did the same, then unzipped her pants, peed her ass off the fender and didn't talk much on the way home.




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