
发布时间:2023-10-26 10:05:02 阅读:56 点赞:0

关于”一三餐“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Three meals a day。以下是关于一三餐高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Three meals a day

I am a middle school student. I usually have breakfast at home. My mother makes breakfast for me ry day.

I like eggs and milk, but I prefer bread. I eat lunch at school. I often eat beef and vegetables.

I like vegetables becse I think vegetables are good for o health, but they are not delicious, so I don't like it as dinner. My mother often makes fish and chicken at home It's important for ryone to like them instead of belladet. Many people miss breakfast becse they don't have enough time, which is totally harmful to their health.

If you don't eat these three meals, it's easy for you to be gry. Breakfast is important becse you haven't eaten for hos before you get up, so you can't miss lunch becse you need the rest of the day To replenish ener. Some people don't eat dinner in order to lose weight, but they will feel gry later, but the food they eat is difficult to digest.

They will get less nuttion, but there is a lot of fat stored in their bodies. That's why you need to eat three meals on time ry day.




I often have milk and eggs for breakfast. I like vegetables, fish, chicken and a bowl of ce for lunch. I like fish very much, becse it is very healthy and delicious to me.

I often go out for dinner with my family. I often go out for a walk. what about you?.





I am a thin boy. I often get sick. Becse of my poor health, my eating habits are not good.

I often eat some steamed stuffed bun and dnk milk. When I often eat some ce and chicken, I also eat some vegetables for dinner. I don't think my eating habits are healthy.

I think we should eat vegetables and some meat.



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