
发布时间:2023-05-06 10:27:28 阅读:205 点赞:0

关于”令你烦恼事情和你是怎么解决“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What bothers you and how do you solve it。以下是关于令你烦恼事情和你是怎么解决初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What bothers you and how do you solve it

There is a festival in the world to eliminate poverty, which is called the international day for the eradication of poverty. Every year, October 17 is the reason for the existence of this festival. Just like its importance in today's real life, although and people enjoy a better life, there are still some people in poverty.

In my opinion, this is an emergency that needs to be solved as soon as possible. First of all, people should be aware of it To, the ch should the poor. They can donate money to them or pvide them with some employment opportunities.

Otherwise, the gap beeen the ch and the poor will be n greater. The government should announce some policies to the poor get d of poverty. The last but not the least, the poor should try their best to fight for themselves.

The best person can you is yoself. If we can eliminate poverty one day, the world will be in a better position The world will be betiful.




Hello, Linda. I'm sorry you don't get along well with yo family, becse I can understand the family rules, but on the other hand, I think it's good to obey the family rules, becse it's good for you. Yo parents have made stct rules for you.

In order to make you supeor to others, you can exchange views with yo parents to let them know that you are committed to them, and you are willing to live up to them Yo parents will consider the rules and maybe change. In a word, I hope you can solve it by yoself, yo Lin Tao.




The pain of gwth seems to be full of knowledge and expeence, so it is becse each of us has the pain of gwth and the pcess of gwth. Gwing up is not a very happy time, it means that I must study hard. At home, there is always so much homework, the argument beeen parents and me.

Time is fair, but it seems to give me three-quarters of the pain, only a quarter of the harvest, but the harvest gives me stren and confidence, success and fendship make me happy and happy. We play in winter when there is little snow Snow, flying kites at night is usually homework. We ate a few pieces of ice cream that almost made us cold.

We picked up the leaven which was no longer high above. Although the pain is always than the harvest, I beli that these o things make my life colorful.



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