
发布时间:2024-01-16 12:03:09 阅读:22 点赞:0

关于”成长人和事“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Gwing people and things。以下是关于成长人和事高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gwing people and things

It is true that what is oted in the heart can be expressed thugh action. Teachers are not the only pviders of knowledge. Their partners are textbooks.

Since we live in a plalistic society, the thor must pvide a pduct of thought worth appreciating, not just a mediocre one. Besides, deped must also be an advocate of their faith, no matter what exception, so that they can achi better and best results.




In my life, I have expeenced a lot of things, but one thing is my most unforgettable day. On my way to school, I suddenly saw something on the gund. I went up to pick it up and found it was a wallet with a lot of money in it.

I still have five minutes to go to class. What should I do? I have to go to school and give it to the teacher. He praised me for nr forgetting that day And that thing.




Day by day, day by day, my childhood left me little by little. I grew up, day after day my childhood was made up by my father, sung by my mother, and dirty clothes on my clothes. Until one day, I realized that my childhood was over.

It was a sunny day, birds were singing. My father and I were climbing mountains in a way that had nr been before. I was careful I follow my father with wings.

It felt so betiful, the sound of the birds was so charming. I breathed the cool fresh air greedily, and didn't pay attention to the rugged path that my father warned me to be careful, but I couldn't it. The ad became and dangeus.

I could hear some stones fall down, my feet were scratched and my hands were bleeding. I was ht and could hardly stand up. I begged my father for .

He seemed to notice and said, "you are a big girl now. Do it yoself." his words were so firm that I be to understand that I had really gwn up. I grabbed the cane and started to climb up fm now on.

Finally, I stood up. My father looked at me and said with a ile: "continue or not." "se." I firmly replied, "that's my girl." my father said, I'm glad we climbed to the top of the mountain and enjoyed the wonderful scenery. I felt that the seeds without pain bke thugh the cks for the eagle of light, for the storm, for the horse in the sky, for , for me, for breakthugh Difficulties, in order to gw.




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