
发布时间:2023-06-17 03:45:06 阅读:84 点赞:0

关于”优字“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Excellent character。以下是关于优字高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Excellent character

Chinese people just know money. They often say that money can overwhelm rything. In the past, they just like to say that all ancient cultes can be eliminated.

Social culte is an inevitable side effect. They don't like opera. Howr, the movies they like are somewhat Amecan.

Amecans are different. They all know about opera, movies and music We just know that the movie doesn't know each other in the restaant. What we do is that it looks like German, and it's all in the mouth.

It's terble. Different fm the United States, they know to put the best food in their mouth first, and then others. I hope Chinese culte is powerful.




Edison was born in the United States when he was a child. Many people think that he is not good. In fact, he is full of thinking that he has done a lot of things for the world.

He has than 1000 inventions, "1% inspiration and 99% sweat genius". Although I am not Edison, I can learn diligence fm him. Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio in February, with only three months of formal education.

He became the grea inventor and industal leader in history. Edison won the Amecan patent. Edison's grea contbution was the first practical electc lighting.

He not only realized the first succesul light bulb, but also established the first distbution company. Edison invented the voice recording Thomas Edison also founded the first modern research laboratory. He started his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey.

He invented the tomatic repeater and other impved telegraph equipment. But the first invention that made him famous was the phonograph. This achiment spsed the public so much that Edison was almost fascinated Oddball, known as the wizard of Mone Park in New Jersey, where he lived, his first gramophone was recorded on tin foil, sunded by a goved cylinder with poor sound quality.

Tinfoil recordings can only be played a few times in the s. Alexander Graham Bell and Chichester bell pduced a redesied wax paper cylinder model, one of the reasons Thomas Edison continued to work on his own "perfect phonograph.".



·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)和奇切斯特·贝尔(Chichester Bell)制作了一种重新设计蜡纸圆筒模型,这是托马斯·爱迪生继续研究他自己“完美留声机”原因之一。


The arval of June means the arval of the college entrance examination, which is also the most important moment for high school students. They have been working for three years, and they are ready to continue their fther education this year. On that day, some accidents happened, some gsters hacked people, and o brave high school students emerged.

They both fought for the gs and prnted the tragedy. The brave students were injed They are the real hees who miss the important exam. They nr want to stop the gsters.

Other students choose quiet in my eyes. They are the most betiful students. Their spit inspires the younger generation.

Leifeng University gives them some new opportunities becse they are happy to pvide them with the opportunity to go to university.



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