
发布时间:2023-04-26 02:18:42 阅读:198 点赞:0

关于”毅力重要“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The importance of persrance。以下是关于毅力重要xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of persrance

Healthy diet is very important to o daily life. Food can give us ener and us build o body. First of all, what should we eat and how to eat healthier? First, we should have enough clean food for ry meal.

It is important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food pvide different nuttion we need ry day. Third, we should eat a normal meal in this way We will become stng and healthy, and o study will be very good.

I beli that one day we will all be healthy.




We mean "beeen the lines" in a book. When we read that many people know that we must "beeen the lines" in order to give full play to my point of view, "beeen the lines" is important in the pcess of reading, we can not do the most effective reading, unless we make a sidenote on the book. The Sidenotes on books are essential for the following reasons: first, they keep us awake.

If reading is not just killing time, it must be positive. We can't let o eyes slide acss the lines of a book. Second, we should have an understanding of it.

Reading, if it is active, is thinking. Thinking is often used to express oselves, say or wte marks Wting s us remember what we once thought, or that the thor uses o own thinking to express the physical action hand of wting, so that words and sentences appear clearly in o minds and better preserved in o memory. If you have the habit of Sidenotes while reading, if you don't have the habit, start now.




As we all know, English is the most widely used international language in the world. More than half of the people in the world speak English. Some people regard English as their own language, some people take English as a second language.

By learning English, we can expand o ideological vision and increase o knowledge, becse we will have better opportunities to read vaous books and newspapers Paper and magazines. English is also very useful in different areas of life, such as business and business. Many businesen base their success on their good knowledge of English.

Students sometimes study their subjects in English. Businesen use English in their meetings. Scientists and doctors wte articles in English.

When toists go abad, they speak English. It s them enjoy their travel and communicate with others To build a new fendship. In addition, English s us watch TV pgrams, enjoy interesting movies and read other people's literary works.



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