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关于”合作意识“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Cooperative consciousness。以下是关于合作意识xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cooperative consciousness

Dr. Joseph Mphy, the founder of the succesul subconscious, published the power of the subconscious. He encoaged people to dig deep into their subconscious power and reach the realm of all wishes come true.

In order to realize the "subconscious power" of their life dreams, Dr. Mphy's campai has laid a half-way As the core and soul of human potential movement in the 21st centy, this thought has influenced sral generations of Amecan inspirational wters and speakers, and has become the ideological soce of books such as secrets and the law of attraction. As a classic work of human pgress and self motivation effect, this book has changed the way of thinking of millions of people.

In this book, Dr. Mphy expounds the science of subconscious existence He also told us some and effective ways to practice. Thugh these exercises, we will learn how to attract all kinds of wealth, how to oain succesul career, how to establish harmonious relationship, how to ma happy marage and family, how to overcome fear, and how to keep youth in mind How to psue happiness in life this edition is the only revised guide under "Mphy trust" and is the responsibility of the official custodian of his thozed publication of Dr.

Mphy's work.




Self consciousness Virginia Woolf the self-conscious man is independent fm now on. He is nr tired of it. His life is only short.

He is immersed in deep and gentle happiness. He lives alone, while other people's slave ceremony makes life pass in a dream. Once obedient, once others do better than they do, a lazy man steals all the nerves and functions of the soul He becomes all the external displays, the inner emptiness, the dullness, the indifference.


自我意识 维吉尼亚伍尔夫 自我意识人从此,他从不厌倦,生命只是短暂,他沉浸在深刻而温和幸福中,他独自生活,而别人奴隶仪式让生命在一种梦中流逝,一旦顺从,一旦做别人做事比他们做更好,一个懒散人偷走了灵魂所有神经和官能,他变成了所有外在展示,内心空虚,迟钝无情,漠不关心。


The man with self-knowledge is independent fm now on. He is nr tired of it. His life is only short.

He is immersed in deep and gentle happiness. Other people, the slaves of ceremony, will let life slip away in a dream once they obey and do something better than others. A sleepy person will steal all the good nerves and functions in his soul He will become all external nothiness, become dull, cold and indifferent.



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