
发布时间:2023-06-14 08:58:42 阅读:157 点赞:0

关于”文化流失“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Cultal loss。以下是关于文化流失考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cultal loss

Based on the Manchu language of the Manchu population census in China, the Manchu language of the Manchu people in the northern part of China is mainly based on the Manchu language of the Manchu people in the northern part of China In part, as the Manchu moved fm the north to central China, they learned and adopted the dominant Chinese language. Today, only the old people in the remote areas of Heilongjiang pvince still know and can use their ancestral language. Age belief: in ancient times, people belid in Shamani.

Influenced by Buddhi, Taoi and Coniani, their beliefs showed diversified charactesti, and Bodhisattva statues were not rare In addition, human beings dloped agculte, fishing and animal huandry based on their literary and artistic achiments. Especially after the founding of modern China, Manchu people had unique dishes, including hot pot, so soup, blood ssage and "Bobo". This is a kind of steamed cake in human culte, and does not eat dog meat or any pducts deved fm dogs.

The festival is the traditional festival In the Spng Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival, the man and the Han nationality all put skating and other distinctive sports activities into the human festival activities. The tradition is that men are brave, athletic and good at ding and shooting. Women and children in Qing Dynasty are as capable as men.

Men comb their hair on the left and shave off the hair nd their forehead. The woman was weang hairpins, earngs and a dress cheongsam.




I want to know if I can go somewhere) Yes, you can go anywhere in China public toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets men's toilets, I think The om where I clean my nose, the lndry om, the west om, John, I went to see John ice last night, to see an nt.




There is no dou that Hollywood movies are favored by all people in almost ry country. Hollywood movies always beat local movies. Hollywood films that win the most pfits attract the public's attention with good plots and advanced technolo.

Local culte is also facing challenges in the open . How to ptect and dlop local culte is the biggest pblem faced by the young generation The reason is that it is easy for the young film directors to accept the new cultal feates if they are not attracted by the local culte Only creativity can make something popular in the open . Although the local culte faces challenges, it is easy to be accepted by the younger generation.

There are also its advantages. This is a combination of national wisdom.



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