
发布时间:2023-05-17 05:53:36 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”过去与现在我“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Past and present me。以下是关于过去与现在我小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Past and present me

My betiful hometown my hometown is my waist, with a large population. In the mountains, there are many flowers, plants and trees. But one season, the mountain is full of colorful flowers.

It is really a wonderful flower of the life of mountains and vers. I feel like it is really "rains" ah, the whole village is scarlet in the sunset. I know that I miss and just imagine the children in the village are really lovely, But the baby and the family all like their children and bng happiness to their children.

How can I envy them? I can only look at the silly, silently envious others in the blank corner. My village has undergone earth shaking changes. Basically, there are the following points: the village is sunded by mountains, people plant trees, and a ver flows out of the village in recent years Great changes have taken place in the village.

There are factoes, hospitals, schools and shops in the village. The living standard of the villagers has impved. It is betiful, ch and pspeus.

Please pay attention to it. I hope ryone can enter my village, my life and my world.




In the past 20 years, o life has changed greatly. Take my family as an example, my parents used to contact other people mainly by wting to them, but now we make long-distance calls at home. My parents used to listen to the radio to learn news and other information, but now we get news by watching TV One big change is that my living conditions got mared about 20 years ago.

My parents live in a cwded all om, but now we move into a new big apartment. In short, o life becomes comfortable and convenient.




Life changes my life has changed a lot in the past few years. I used to be shy and confident, becse I didn't study very well in school. I was the lowest ranked person in my class.

Few fends thought I was not a good company. But since a new teacher came to my class, I have made a lot of pgress. I have made a great difference fm before My new teacher tght me a lot of new things, and had different methods to let me understand that the biggest change in my life was that I learned how to use the comr to get the information I needed.

This is the most important, becse I found a lot of new things, and the knowledge I lacked before ed me impve myself, so now I am much hr than before.



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