
发布时间:2022-12-16 06:03:48 阅读:102 点赞:0

关于”想去度假“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:I want to go on vacation。以下是关于想去度假初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to go on vacation

The place I want to replace is the here who will replace the 's position has changed dramatically, bee one day helicopters may replace cars.




I will try my best to study the subject, I will correct my mistakes, put my main heart on the next und of study is my most important thing, I must know that I am a lively, lovely and intelligent girl, my favote subject is mathemati. Some people think it's hard to learn well, but I like it. I beli that as long as you try yo best, rything can be done well, and the new semester will start.

But this is the first year of my high school life. I think the first year will be very interesting and busy. I have to do exercises bee I like English learning very much.

Not only do I have to work hard to learn English, but also I have to work hard on other subjects. They are very important. I hope I can play well in the first year Happy to get good results.




The Republic of Ireland announced on Easter Monday that the free state of Ireland, which occupies most of the island of Ireland, has officially become the soverei state of Ireland of the Republic of Ireland (Dublin is the capital and the largest ban population in Apl, Ireland is the third largest island in Eupe, located in the northwest of the Eupean continent, and the island of Great Btain is located in the East. Politically, it is divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, one sixth of the island's northeast, and its name comes fm the combination of the RIU (Modern Ish, IRE) and the Germanic word "land".



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