
发布时间:2024-01-29 06:55:13 阅读:248 点赞:0

关于”怎么做一名好导游“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to be a good to guide。以下是关于怎么做一名好导游xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to be a good to guide

My dream is to be an excellent seaman. My dream is to be an excellent seaman. After consulting many books, I found some ways to be a good seaman.

First of all, if you want to be a good seaman, you should know what a sailor should do. You can ask the old seaman for , and you can also refer to some books and the Internet. Second, if you want to be an excellent seaman, you must love this pfession.

Only if you love it, can you do it well. Third, if you want to be an excellent seaman, you should learn to learn fm others Seamen cooperate and do what others tell you to do. Only such a person can finally do a good job.

Teaching seamen knowledge in university can you do it well.




Ladies and gentlemen: today we are going to visit zhonang street, which is the center of the city. In order to get a better understanding of the street, we will walk thugh it. It will take about a few minutes.

Those who don't like walking can sit there. O coach will dve along another street and stop in fnt of the flood contl monument. Those who can't walk that far can take a taxi to the flood contl monument.

Now let's get out of the car and take a walk in zhonang street.




How to be a good doctor? A good doctor seldom treats patients badly. They do a good job. They nr misread diseases.

They put saving people first. It takes a long way to be a good doctor. You should have a Mercator education backgund to complete this kind of study.

Most of them take sral years to pass the license examination. The doctor's license can be a doctor. But to be a good doctor, you need than practice.

Maybe you can become a good doctor by accumulating expeence.



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