
发布时间:2023-02-23 00:57:43 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”环境现状“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Envinmental status。以下是关于环境现状考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Envinmental status

The earth is like o mother. She pvides us with water and other things we need for svival. She is betiful and ch, but she ces becse she is getting dirtier and poorer.

We have a responsibility to ptect o earth. A good envinment can make people happy and suitable. Impving the envinment means impving o envinmental life.

We should plant nd us We should not cut down trees and flowers. We should prnt factoes fm discharging waste water into vers and discharging waste gas into the air. Whenr we see garbage on the gund, we should pick it up and thw it into the garbage can.

Don't spit in public places. Don't paint o responsibility to ptect the envinment on public walls.




In order to ptect the envinment, we live in the earth's envinment. Everything we need comes fm o sunding envinment. This is one of the things we need to do most.

But now something goes wng and the envinment is destyed by the United States. We should know the relationship beeen the o. Without a good envinment, we can't live, so we must now Just ptect the envinment, so that we can live a better life.




Dear fend: Yes, I haven't contacted you for a long time. You are all ght now. I tell you that my life is very good.

I go running at six in the morning to meet the new day's stng physique. Then I come to the classom for the first time to read books. Becse of the review, the class is always so relaxed and happy.

We all exercise in the afternoon. I have the opportunity to play s in the basketball cot, and in the ning Many club activities, I participated in an English speech, as a good opportunity for oral training. In short, I'm very good here, but I don't know what you are in each other.

Please reply to me.



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