
发布时间:2023-02-13 16:18:16 阅读:134 点赞:0

关于”亲情“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:family affection。以下是关于亲情雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:family affection

Deep maternal love ry child is sunded by deep maternal love, but we often tn a blind eye to love. One day, I deeply felt love. One day, I hed home for lunch after school.

Becse there was an exam in the afternoon, I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready, and I was not happy when the food was served. I ran out of the house and was in the street angly I saw a lunch box on the table.

A clasate told me that it was my mother who bught it here. After opening the box, I found that my favote food was wet in my eyes. My mother gave me her love without asking for retn.

How deep is maternal love.




2:亲情,My mother has a pair of keen eyes. She can speak with her eyes. She observes my mood, gives me coage and makes me stng.

So when I learned to walk when I was a child, I could face difficulties. My mother always ed me and encoaged me to stand up. When I fell down, I finally fell into her arms.

Her eyes praised me with a ile. Later, I grew up and encountered difficulties Difficult, but whenr I am frustrated, my mother's eyes always give me hope and encoagement. Once I fail in the exam, my mother encoages me to find out the reason instead of blaming me.

She pushes me to do better. Finally, I overcome the difficulties. Now I gw up and become independent.

But whenr I come, in frustration, no matter where I go, my mother's eyes are always with me As I encoage me.




3:亲情,Deep maternal love ry child is sunded by deep maternal love. We often tn a blind eye to love. One day, I deeply felt love.

One day, I hed home for lunch after school. Becse there was an exam in the afternoon, I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam, but when I got home, the lunch was not ready. But when the food was served, I felt very unhappy and I was angry I ran out of the house and wandered in the street for a while.

I was gry. Then I walked into the classom. I saw a lunch box on the table.

A clasate told me that it was bught by my mother after opening the lunch box. I found that my favote food was wet in my eyes. My mother gave me love without asking for retn.

How deep is maternal love? Every child is sunded by deep maternal love I often tn a blind eye to love. One day, I deeply felt love. One day, I hed home for lunch after school, becse there was an exam in the afternoon.

I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, I was not ready for lunch. I found that there was no one I liked.

I ran out of my house angly and wandered on the street for a while. I was gry, and then I walked there School, when I came into the classom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. A clasate told me that it was bught by my mother.

After opening the box, I found that my favote food was tears in my eyes.



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