
发布时间:2023-11-12 08:11:46 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”父母生“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Parents birthday。以下是关于父母生xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Parents birthday

Most of the children are present on how to celebrate their parents' birthdays. A all number of mothers do one thing, but they don't need a gift fm each parent. What about a child's parents' birthday? Even a child's mother makes a meal.

It's best to give a gift to a good Susan. Her parents give her mother a bunch of carnations for her mother's birthday. This is a good way, If you don't know, just ask my parents what they want.




2:父母生,Today is my mother's birthday. My father and I want to give her a spse birthday present. In the morning, we went to the store to buy a big cake, and then we went to the to buy some food that mom liked very much.

When we got home, we be to prepare presents. Dad went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal. I went into the kitchen and made a birthday card in my om.

I drew three rabbits. The biggest one was eating grass. The other o were playing happily under the big tree.

I told you the truth My family, bee we were all born in the year of Rabbi. The delicious food on the table makes my mouth water. Everything was ready.

We sat at the table, waiting for the sound of mother's opening the door. We hid behind the door and cheered, "Happy Birthday". As soon as my mother came in, my mother came.

I sat at the table and I showed her presents. She looked at the gift and said with a ile, "taste the delicious food made by Father himself." I said Mom looked at me and Dad, picked up chopsticks, how happy we were.





3:父母生,Today is the January of the lunar new year. It's my father's birthday. My father's father has already g dozens of silver coins.

He has a little wnkle on his face. Although he is many years old, his heart is still very young. He often takes me to play basketball and table tennis.

I often go out and play online s. When I like to play things, he is very interested in it at night To celebrate the birthday of my parents, the school made a new dish to celebrate my father's birthday. My father is a very good occasion.

I have homework pblems. My father will me buy books. My father pmised me to buy another degree centigrade.

I had a fr. My father took a quick look and immediately sent me to the hospital. After seeing the disease, under the care of my father, he was in the hospital After bed rest at home, the condition gradually impved.

I remember when I was a child, my father used to come in a vaety of ways. I thought of enlightenment and took to the street. He often pointed to the words on the ad sis to enlighten me.

I was interested in learning English words fm pmary school mathemati and English words before my pmary school. The teacher also asked me to teach students English words in kindergarten Sometimes some teachers and students said that I am a little mathematician, so these achiments of little English at home are the combination of my father's hard work. My father not only cares about his study, but also cares about my life.

I pvide a good learning envinment. I want to study hard and repay Yan Fu's nting kindness. I want to say to my father, "happy birthday, Dad.".



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