
发布时间:2023-04-28 13:32:25 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”校园剽窃“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Campus plagia。以下是关于校园剽窃六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus plagia

In order to get high marks, some students try their best to copy other students' hard work. Plagia is a big mistake. Teachers always emphasize this point, but lazy students violate the rules.

They want to pass the evaluation easily. On the one hand, these students should be ashamed of themselves. Plagia means that they lack respect for other students.

Diligent students need to spend money A lot of time and ener to complete the paper, the result means their wisdom and dedication. As the saying goes, lazy students desty the efforts of other students. There is no pain and no harvest.

They just finish the work without their own ideas. They can n get higher scores. This is very unfair.

Every student should use his wisdom to complete the task, On the other hand, students who are used to plagia will ntually ht themselves. If students' behavior is found by others, they will have bad records in their files, which means that they will have pblems with trust. If they are lucky and can't find a job, they will find it difficult to find a job.

They still get nothing and they lack ability. The conclusion is that plagia is a shameful behavior and students should learn by themselves.




2:校园剽窃,People are shocked by the succession of campus fires in recent years, each accident has reported a large number of casualties - houses were bned, students were killed, pperty was damaged - in the face of such a chilling fact, people kept asking what csed these repeated tragedies. A svey shows that the human factor is still the main reason For example, three of the fires were csed by students using electc water heaters, becse students often do not tn off the water heater. If the water in the bottle is ded up and no one nd tns off the power supply, the sk is quite high.

In other cases, fnaces, candles, cigarette butts, etc. can also cse fire, becse if apppate prntive meases are taken, most disasters can be avoided. Students should strenen the education on the importance and meases of fire contl.

The following three reminders are particularly important for o students: first, learn how to use fire extinguishers; second, carefully check candles, heaters, stoves and other electcal appliances to ense that there is no open fire before leaving the om. Finally, do not oke in the dormitory.







3:校园剽窃,As we all know, the Ministry of education of China issued a policy of banning oking on campus on January this year. In the past few years, the number of students who oke has increased dramatically. This is quite distbing.

But in fact, oking is a bad habit that seously endangers the health of okers and the health of the people nd them. The sharp se in the number of okers on campus is first of all very complex. With the dlopment of o living standards, the number of students who oke on campus has increased dramatically Impve, we students have a lot of pocket money, so that we can afford to buy cigarettes, and then, there are so many advertisements about cigarettes nd us, and we can easily get these advertisements, but in the eyes of some students, oking is really cool and may make them feel mate than others.

At this time, we take action to them get d of this bad habit and build a oke-free campus. I think o class should have a no oking cose to let us know the harm of oking. There should be no cigarettes for sale in the shops on campus.

Only in this way can we build a oke-free Campus. Only by building a oke-free campus can we ptect o Health, no oking.



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