
发布时间:2023-06-17 06:50:43 阅读:64 点赞:0

关于”贸易摩擦“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:trade fction。以下是关于贸易摩擦xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:trade fction

Louis of the World Bank Kuijs descbed the dlopment of China's trade since: in general, China's exports continued to spass world trade stngly, and its global share se fm to the estimated value in, and this trend continued in the first few months of the year. In addition to the stng total exports, the added value of export pducts continued to se. This is becse the supply chain of the pcessing sector is deepened and normal( As a result, in some regions of the world, the gwth rate of exports is n faster than that of overall exports.

China's stng export performance is csing economic fction and sometimes political fction. China's import gwth is faster than export gwth, and Chinese leaders are very quick to point out that the decline in trade splus is evidence of pgress in internal rebalancing, but will this situation continue? It has been nearly a year since China resumed the slow appreciation of the against the US dollar, and dung this peod, the has appreciated by about . Howr, compared with the first year of appreciation in the same peod, the exchange rate of the trade weighted US dollar has fallen, so that the exchange rate of China's crency against many trading partners has actually fallen.

As kuiyes said, China's forei splus has a long way to go Uncertainty.


世界银行Louis Kuijs描述了自年以来贸易发展情况:总来说,出口继续强劲地超过世界贸易,其全球市场份额从年上升到年估计值,而且这一趋势在年头几个月持续,除了出口总额强劲外,出口产品附加值继续上升这是因为加工部门供应链加深,正常(非加工)出口所占份额不断上升,这些产品附加值含量更高,因此,在世界上一些地区,出口增长速度甚至比总体出口快一些,强劲出口表现正在引发经济摩擦,有时也会引发摩擦。进口增速快于出口增速,人非常迅速地指出,贸易顺差下降是内部再平衡取得进展证据,但这种情况是否会继续?恢复币兑美元缓慢升值已近xx年,而在这段时间里,币升值了大约更多然而,与同期升值第xx年相比,贸易加权美元汇率下跌了,以至于货币对许多贸易伙伴汇率实际上已经下跌了,正如奎伊斯所说,对外顺差未来发展道路还很不明朗。


2:贸易摩擦,I'd like to know if you can ship the goods in March. We will try o best to deliver the goods ahead of time. O factory has a large backlog of orders on hand.

We hope to ship the goods directly. I'd like to know whether the goods can be delayed at the beginning of March. Terms and conditions of trade volume arrangement of shipment delay shipment loss of cabin gss ton net ton The second carer's sailing date optional port to land port of loading port of discharge FPA W.P.A.

saves us the tuble of having to go to the insance company, not to mention saving time. Yes, you want to cover W.P.A. and war sk.

Yo insance company refuses to compensate for o loss. What kind of insance should I cover for a batch of glassware? I'd like to cover the insance for% of the invoice value at the rate of one lot.




3:贸易摩擦,A: Look, this is yo pduct. It's easy to break and bst. Oh, that's not true.

It's becse of impper use. A: incorrect appearance. This is yo instruction.

We just do what it says. According to ISO international standards, this should be regarded as unqualified pducts. We will retn this batch of pducts and you should retn o money.

B: Oh, but it is not. O pduct technolo has always stctly followed the ISO standard, and we have oained the certification Maybe there is something wng with this batch of pducts, but it doesn't mean that all the pducts are unqualified: please don't forget o contract. You pmised that yo company would be willing to compensate for all the expenses of the unqualified pducts One step certification and ing results, we will pay for it.


A: 看,这是你们产品,容易破碎,容易爆裂。哦,那不是真,是因为使用不当造成A:不正确外观这是你指示,我们只是按照它说去做,根据ISO国际标准,这应该被定为不合格产品我们将退回这批产品,你应该退货我们钱B:哦,但事实并非如此,我们产品工艺一直严格遵循ISO标准,我们获得了认证,也许这一批产品确实有问题,但并不意味着这批产品都不合格:请不要忘记我们合同,你曾承诺过贵公司愿意赔偿不合格产品所有费用b:是,那是是,我们当然会对不合格产品付款,但不是我们寄给你方所有产品,如果你方得到所有不合格产品进一步认证和结果,我们将支付费用。

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