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关于”爱情亲情“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Love and affection。以下是关于爱情亲情高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love and affection

Why does love have to bear such a heavy bden, to bear so many additional conditions, plus additional money, how far does love have to go, will it have the feeling of cording money, can we get thugh the of people in the confusion of money, and gradually forget that true feelings have gradually formed a dominant position in the heart of money, and emotional life is also an accessory, no matter how much Love, always money can not stop the arval of the wave, love is a responsibility, whether in the economy or interests, can not shake solid, can withstand a blow, with love words has become too inic, ask a fend, she told me that there is no love in the world, the tone of my words, then very funny, I may fall behind, may now have money can also In order to love, money can buy rything oothly, money can be a lifetime, no money, just don't see what money they copy, what is a piece of paper, what is love and what is not, if I choose, I would rather give up both, a dp of relaxed let people feel happy, I don't want to compare love and money, becse there is nothing comparable beeen these o things, maybe, money can buy love Love, that kind of love will lose such mentality with the loss of money. For me, what we don't love is just too much expectation and too eager for money, becse we all want to have its o sides. We don't know that there will be no collision beeen love and money.

Who can win better? Everyone can have different opinions. The conclusion is different. Money, love and who will only find differences in coition It's just the same path as people who love money.




2:爱与情,People always joke that love has nothing to do with age, weight or height, but it is normal for an older man to fall in love with a young girl. In my opinion, it is cticized that an older woman falls in love with a little boy. In fnt of o lovers, love is equal.

They appld the older man who mared a young girl becse they think this man is like this This ability, they accept that love has nothing to do with age, when women encounter this situation, people will look down on their relationship, say that their relationship is very bad. It seems that love is related to age. There are so many couples who show a good example that women can marry someone younger than themselves and they live happily.

On the contrary, the marage rate of young people is very high, but the media only reported the former situation, which puts presse on women. There is no dou that true love happens when a couple really love each other. Age is not a pblem.





3:爱情亲情,Love cannot pretend, nor can it tolerate too many selfish motives. It is reported that an old man in Jiangsu left his million legacy to a young housekeeper, rather than his own children, becse his own children did not take care of him, while the young housekeeper accompanied him thugh his last years of loneliness and lessness. Love is easy to detect, and flattery can be deceptive.

But if the person you love only knows how to spend money, it is easy to distinguish beeen true love and true love False love, you should be careful of them. If you give them a chance, ryone can you spend money. Don't tn yo love into a slave of money.

Love should be selfless, sincere and sincere. You can't judge feelings by emotional distance. Everyone cheshes love and no one can cheat others.

There is a saying in China: real hees are eager for true love. Great men have gentle love for their children. We are saints on earth.

We should chesh o love. But we should know how much is good and where to stop. Becse there is no eternal banquet or endless love story, we should bear the gains and losses of love with perfect compose, ry part of the world There are fragrant grass in ry corner.

You can always find yo love in this world.



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