
发布时间:2024-02-16 06:08:31 阅读:28 点赞:0

关于”珍惜时间“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:value highly one's time。以下是关于珍惜时间xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:value highly one's time

Please chesh time. In o life, we can't see time, but we can feel its passing. Many people say that time is money and time is life.

But I think time is important than money. O life is made up of time. We spend a lot of time playing ry day, but we can use o time to do many things, such as reading books, listening to English tapes, learning mathemati and so on.

We can't waste time in sleeping. We must chesh time just as we chesh life Life is the same, I nr waste time, I hope ryone can make full use of time to learn , so fends, please chesh time.




2:珍惜时间,(slowly) for thousands of years, animals have walked a slow path, their soul and body are together, but o human transportation is too fast, the body moves, but the soul is left behind. We try to liberate oselves at a convenient time, but since we invented the method of calculating time, we have impsoned the soul. We have ted ry possible means Now, we spend a lot of time in fnt of the TV just to change channels, and we don't have time to chat with good fends or play with family.

We have enough time to search for old news on the Internet. In the end, we hardly consider o life. The only obvious thing is o loneliness 。 Slowly, please try to follow the pace of nate.

Let yo own clock try to share yo time, yo thoughts, yo happiness and sadness with the people you love. Try to understand the world we live in. When we know how to spend ry second in o life, don't just glance at the social life, we can live o own life.




3:珍惜时间,Please chesh time in o life, we can't see it, but we can feel its passing. Many people say that time is money and time is life, but I think time is important than money. O life is made up of time.

We spend a lot of time playing ry day, but we can use this time to do a lot of things, such as reading books, listening to English tapes, learning mathemati and so on. We can't waste time in sleep. We must chesh time, just like we trease Chesh life, I nr waste time, I hope ryone can make full use of time to learn , so fends, please chesh time.



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