
发布时间:2023-01-08 15:52:22 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”加勒比海盗“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Pirates of the Cabbean。以下是关于加勒比海盗xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pirates of the Cabbean

China warned Somali pirates on Tuesday that it was ready to use force when its naval vessels arved in the Gulf of Aden to combat the wave of piracy that disrupted international shipping. AFP reported that o Chinese destyers and a supply ship set sail on Fday, the first time in China's modern history to deploy vessels outside its tertoal waters to carry out potential combat tasks.

2 China is also willing to own to Taiwan Ships pvide rescue and assistance s as long as they are registered on the mainland, he said, and since the beginning of this year, sn Chinese ships have been attacked by Somali pirates.

At least one Chinese vessel is belid to be still in the hands of the attackers. The UN Secuty Council last week thozed countes to take action in lawless Somalia to stop the rampant piracy in the Gulf of Aden.




2:加勒比海盗,The life of a pirate ship captain: a pirate becomes a captain if he is elected by the crew. The captain commands the ship only when attacking another ship or another ship attacking them. When the ship is not fighting, he works as a regular crew member.

If the captain does not attack other ships and seize the spoils, he is the captain who is removed fm the position of Quarter: the Quarter actually has power than the captain. He is also the Quarter elected by the crew. He is responsible for distbuting the spoils equally to the crew and taking care of the psoners until the crew decides how to deal with them Punish the pirates who break the rules: all the pirates sailing know that if they don't attack ships and colonies, if they continue to refuse to attack, they won't get any reward.

They will be postponed to ships abad. Most pirates don't kill becse they are only interested in bbery. The pirate crew obeys a set of rules called code of conduct.

No woman is allowed Women cght on board are not allowed to be harassed. The share of each pirate's booty is agreed on the death penalty, that is, the penalty for killing or stealing another pirate is ted before punishment. The pirate crew is a jy, and if the pirates violate too many rules, they can be banished to the desert Island.

It is forbidden to light or oke under the deck. Pirates punish pirates according to different rules. Sometimes they are whipped on the mast of the ship, sometimes hanged by quarter, or capted by Spanish or other enemies.

One of the really terble ways to punish pirates is to banish them to a desert island without food or water, a slowly dying exiled pirate whipped pirate Henry Roger Blackbeard was the first pirate to call his flag happy Roger, and one of his ships was called happy Roger. He named his flag, and all the other pirates started calling their flag quick Roger Roger joy Roger is usually a terble sight. It is used to fghten anyone.

The ship it attacked srendered without fighting.





3:加勒比海盗,"Pirate trease" -- Cal Moore wte "ten steps fm the porch, enty steps fm the se bush, one night blue beard gwled in Jimmy's dream and said," there are treases there. "So the next day, Jimmy be to dig. He dug until the hole was deep and the mound was very high.

He kept digging until the hole was deeper and deeper, and the mound was higher and higher, until the pit was the deepest and the mound reached the highest point, he sighed I'm too tired to dig "And then he found something, but it was just a bone of Woolf's, not a trease. Jimmy had only a dog bone, a hole, and a lot of soil to fill in. He thought," that pirate cheated me.

"But when Jimmy's mother saw what he had done, she clasped her hands, and iling fm here until Sunday, she said with a ile," Oh, thank you, Jimmy, I'm one Just want to plant a Rhododendn ght there. It costs US dollars to dig that hole.



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