
发布时间:2023-12-01 09:54:29 阅读:188 点赞:0

关于”朋友圈“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wechat Moments。以下是关于朋友圈初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wechat Moments

In recent years, many people like to use wechat, which we usually call wechat. We can share o information and photos in o circle of fends. Howr, and people have been cheated into the circle of fends.

Many people show off their lives on wechat, which makes them unable to live and work normally. In the face of mobile phones for a long time, many people have eye pblems.




2:唤醒时刻,Give me a like / thumb I give him a like I give him a thu θ m ʌ P] moment / circle of fends he likes to post her selfie at her moment. You like to post something on the moment, and her status updates are all in me at the next moment. I can't decide whether to follow my ex boyfend on Weibo or not.

You can simply not follow those users and stop them Or report yo account to itter, and I'll tell you that Victoa Becks has become a fan of mine. Many parents share cute photos of their babies on social media sites. We try to respond to all online quees within a week.

It's so useful that I'll re post the comments. Why don't you comment.




3:朋友圈,Hello, my name is, I live in this year, I am a very quiet girl, I like reading books, becse books can bng me knowledge, can cultivate people's culte, at the same time, I also like English, becse English can bng me a lot of happiness, my dream is to study abad, some people may think it is a bit diculous, but I think as long as you work hard, not rything Can not do, I am such a girl, I will go to my ideal, please cheer for me, OK, I am a completely different girl.



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