
发布时间:2024-01-30 11:25:39 阅读:53 点赞:0

关于”学校举办讲座“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The school holds lectes。以下是关于学校举办讲座八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The school holds lectes

I suddenly met these aliens who had just come out of their giant ship. I was scared first, and then realized that they were fendly creates, becse they ced my cold with blue light installed on their wsts. They were tall, stng, art and n humous.

This is a family. Ding their holidays, they came to earth becse their children kept asking about it The pblem of food on earth, etc. they were shocked by the fact that many people on earth eat meat.

Wow, the father of alien said how terble. Now I understand why there is a movie about the anatomy of aliens that let me go. It's nice to meet you, but we don't want o children to witness such cruelty.

Then they enter the ship and disappear soon.




2:学校举办讲座,The donor Bruce is fm class one, grade one. I plan to lnch an initiative in the school to actively participate in the food festival of the representative class. The food festival will be held on Sunday morning.

We plan to have students fm different countes cook delicious food. We will invite teachers and students to participate in the activities, taste delicious food, and donate money to children in poor western areas. Finally, I hope that food ener saving will succesully hold the second grade.





3:学校举办讲座,Dear fends, we have graduated now. Most of o textbooks are useless. It's a waste to thw them away.

Why not give the used textbooks to the next student? We can learn how to care for other students. This can not only save some paper, but also the poor. It can also establish some hobbies for students to read books carefully and learn Students can learn to share and feel happy in shang with others.

In a word, if all o students do this, it is meaningful for students to study in school and society. We will find that it is ful for us in different aspects. Let's do it immediately and build a harmonious school and world, OK.



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