
发布时间:2024-04-14 13:31:47 阅读:11 点赞:0

关于”寒假“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Winter vacation。以下是关于寒假高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter vacation

This winter vacation, I went to Kunming. My family and I went to Kunming. Kunming is a very betiful city.

I think the sky is blue and the air is clean. You can see all kinds of betiful flowers. The weather there is very good.

It won't be too hot or too cold all the year und. So people always call it "Spng City". Kunming is sunded by betiful scenery, among which the most famous wind is One of the scenes is "stone forest".

It's really betiful. We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I'm very happy. I like Kunming very much.

I read gone with the wind dung the winter vacation. This is a great novel by Amecan wter Margaret Michelle. It tells about the life of southerners dung the Amecan Civil War.

I especially like Scarlett O'Hara, a stng southern woman, in her plantation After being destyed by the northern army, she refused to go gry, and she said hopefully that tomorw would be another day.




2:寒假,The winter vacation I've been dreaming of all year und has finally come, and I really enjoy it. The first thing I did was to make a plan for my study. I divided my homework nly by holiday so that I could finish all the homework on time.

I also arranged books and words I needed to read and recite. I took part in some extraccular activities and read some oginal English books. My favote book was wtten by Sherlock Holmes.

Among all the classical films, the sound of music was the most exciting one in my holiday. I also pvided some for my physi teacher. Of cose, I met many difficulties at this stage.

I finally knew what persrance is. I went to the temple fair and had the honor to taste some traditional Chinese dishes, jiaohuaji, one of them. It is said that it oginated in Hangzhou dreds of years ago.

It was steamed with fresh lotus leaves by the famous beggar Hong Qigong and the senior leader of the beggars' sect The holiday is coming to an end and the new semester is coming. I need to get up and meet the challenges that are coming.





3:寒假,Winter vacation came, my family decided to do something different. We spent it abad. It was a very warm place for me.

We flew to Thailand. It was always summer weather. I felt very comfortable and enjoyed the sun there.

This is my best winter vacation.



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