
发布时间:2023-07-09 03:41:44 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”德国人时间观念“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:German concept of time。以下是关于德国人时间观念雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:German concept of time

Time concept in different cultes of international watch talk is different in the United States. People have a saying that time is money. In fact, they don't pay much attention to time, and people who are often late are the ones who pay most attention to time.

I think rything there seems to happen on time. In Chinese culte, they are very stct with time. Being late is usually allowed in daily life Sometimes they are not punctual.

I can say that Indians are not punctual. The whole is actually late, the delayed bus, the delayed train, the Btish government's plan. They may spend a lot of time with their families to relax.




2:德国时间观念,The importance of time depends on people's ogins and different cultal perspectives. "Time is one of the fundamental foundations for the existence of all cultes and for all activities aund Germany. It seems that the most important attitude towards time is always punctuality, rather than the grasp of time.

It is an insult why waiting for a very important person in school is very important.




3:德国人时间观念,The o concepts of time imagine that ry day in yo life, at the same time, you enter an artificially illuminated om, take off yo clothes, and take pictes in exactly the same position. You will be able to expeence yo blooming and declining years. This amazing movie can clafy a strange but useful concept of time, which may be similar to some cyni or people bent by the weight of their own thoughts Looking back on the fleeting picte we see in the past, it shows that o life takes up a very short time in the total time of the universe.

If the life span of the universe is years, human life lasts only about

10 seconds. Howr, if we look at time fm a different angle, ry day is a thousand years seconds. The number of chemical reactions beeen particles in the human body is equivalent to a few seconds in the appximate life span of the universe Enough to give birth to a baby or a revolution, a passionate exchange, an insult, or a sudden death.

O lives can be infinitely long or infinitely short - it all depends on how we look at it.



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