
发布时间:2023-10-29 18:40:43 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”常用开头“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Common beginning。以下是关于常用开头专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Common beginning

For ry girl, looking at the betiful models shining rywhere, they always worry about being overweight. Who can resist the charm? The story of a girl losing weight for love inspires so many people to adapt to love. This girl is named Claire's best motivation.

She is born fat. She keeps eating foods containing a lot of fat, such as ice cream and French fes Wait, becse she was so different fm other girls, she stayed alone for a long time, until a handsome boy was attracted by her betiful soul. The boy finally pposed, but Claire felt infeor, she decided to lose weight, and then said yes, Claire worked very hard to lose weight.

She refused to eat the food she liked. She went to the m to eat oric food ry day for ten months Yes, Claire lost than a pound. She became an attractive girl and agreed to her boyfend's pposal.

When the couple took a photo, the girl was spsed becse the boy also trained his body just to accompany her, love her, and fit her, which is a direct way to express love.




2:共同开始,With the increasing populaty of (Comr / pvate car) in China, o quality of life has changed greatly with the rapid gwth of economy / population. Many pblems, such as (water shortage / ener waste / lack of pfessionals and mament confusion) with the dlopment of science and technolo / economy, and people begin to realize that there is a general / seous concern (illegal publishing / drug abuse / negative effects of Western Culte). Now, there is a heated debate / discussion in China, some people think, while another one Some people think that owning a pvate car / PC is first, second, last, on the other hand, there are many reasons to oppose it.

First, second, finally, owning a car has many advantages and disadvantages (there are vaous / at least three ways / possible technologies / pblems / ways to do something with a car).




3:常用开头,Inform one, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform, inform To know, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, to inform, that we are honored to inform you (we take the liberty to inform you, we must inform you (we hope to inform you), I We are glad to have the opportunity to remind you that (we take this opportunity to inform you that before you give notice, please allow us to remind you that (we ask you to note that we feel it is o duty to inform you (the ppose of this letter is to inform you, the ppose of this letter is to report to you, and the ppose of this letter is to tell you that this gift is to let you know Sohu Annabel.



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