
发布时间:2024-03-11 06:28:24 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”物价高“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:High pces。以下是关于物价高高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:High pces

At the beginning of water shortage in Southwest China, I would like to express my best wishes to you, especially in Yunnan Pvince, where millions of people are short of water. I am sorry to see all the photos fm Southwest China. But at this moment, just like easqueck in Sichuan Pvince, at this moment, I deeply feel the hope of China.

Everyone is home if you have tru Pu, I will be with you last week. My school, my class and my clasates will bng love and blessing to the people in Southwest China and and people. Join us, dear fends.

We are bthers and sisters in yo hands. You are not alone. You just beli in us.

Everything will be better. We are all here. Best wishes to you.




2:高价,Afe4be5 topic sentence highlights adjectives difficult, can express the essential meaning of adjectives, important adjectives, betiful appearance, attractive charm, participate in, make full use of virtual vision, visit = of + very important, very difficult, very betiful, very useful, very useful, very ful, very harmful, very valuable, very important, very necessary It's very necessary that I go to school ry day. Mr. Wang, a 12-year-old teacher, is a very good teacher.

Mr. Wang is a kind of patient and knowledgeable teacher. Mr.

Wang is a very good teacher. The patient and erudite English teacher took Tom and Jerry to Zhongshan park yesterday. Mr.

Wang is a very excited person, patient and knowledgeable teacher Knowing how to inspire o students / / almost certainly pves that what we have learned is frustrating: https://gsaiducom/9vo3dSagxI4khGko9WTAnF6hhy/zhidao/whDCB/si=0b3bcb5c2cdfedebe6/edb3defe3a0c7bf6ca4c1ejpg.




3:物价高,My English teacher's sname is ma. I think she is a humous and witty person who always makes us have unexpected happiness in her class. I remember that one time, she suddenly bught a lot of sweets to us.

Later we learned that the teacher was going to get mared. To o spse, she belid that o grades would be and under the encoagement and guidance of Mr. / Mrs.

ma good.



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