
发布时间:2024-03-12 01:01:49 阅读:146 点赞:0

关于”手机上瘾影响“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Effects of mobile phone addiction。以下是关于手机上瘾影响专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Effects of mobile phone addiction

[translation] svey: when half of the children expeence some happy or unhappy things, they are most willing to share with fends rather than their parents, which has a lot to do with high school students who already have a stng sense of independent self. At the same time, they have to admit that the communication beeen parents and children is not ooth, which hinders children fm saying what they are saying. The second choice is to "cover yo nose and not say it" ”"Parents can," followed by "parents can," shows that children would rather ende in silence than tell their parents.

These data also warn us about the hearts of children and their parents. Some experts point out that when children enter puberty, their sense of independence and self-awareness are increasing. They are willing to communicate with their peers than children.

Howr, when they encounter difficulties, they often find that they trust their own communication methods most. The data fm this svey show that parents trust their children's disappval The reason for trust can also be found in the svey. When asked "parents peek at yo diary, mobile phone like Pvacy", the child's answer is "sometimes I see" and the child says, "it's always been like this".

Only the respondents feel that their parents, "I've nr met" have different degrees of distrust beeen their parents and their children. This is pbably becse the parents are children One of the reasons why the center of the body is closed in fnt of the son.




2:手机成瘾影响,With the dlopment of modern science and technolo, art phones with their outstanding functions are widely welcomed nd the world. People can use mobile phones to sf the Internet, update micblogs and upload the la pictes. When art phones seem to have become an indispensable part of people's daily life, some people are addicted to art phones, which has had a negative impact on their normal life , especially agers, it's easy to fall in love with artphones.

First of all, now, people are facing great presse. Mobile phones pvide a platform for people to relax. By playing s, chatting with fends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their pblems.

Second, there are always new things in mobile phones, which can be interesting, mysteous and vaous. Therefore, people are eager to tn on their mobile phones. They want to know that when people spend too much time on the phone and don't have enough opportunities to communicate with fends or parents, their attention is attracted by the virtual world, and they lack good self-contl ability.

Their addiction to art phones is fragile They should focus on their study and work. They think that people should take art phone addiction seously. It takes time and patience to get d of Internet addiction.

People should tn off their mobile phones, go out to communicate with others face to face, exercise , and form an optimistic attitude towards life.




3:手机上瘾影响,Mobile phone is a very useful invention in the world. Although few people know who invented it, it can be used to do a lot of work. For example, we can sf the Internet, know a lot of information in the world, and we can watch movies or listen to music for free at any time.



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