
发布时间:2023-01-13 08:26:54 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”小写自己朋友“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:I'm yo fend。以下是关于小写自己朋友高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I'm yo fend

Books are my good fends. I have many fends, but my best fend is books. When I was five years old, I saw her for the first time, and I was deeply attracted by her.

With the gwth of age, I learned a lot fm you. You tell me what is true and what is wng. You make me happy.

You are always by my side. You are my good fend. I can't leave you.




2:我是你朋友,How do you want to others? Helping those in need is not only ing others, but also a way to impve yoself. So how can we others? First of all, we must make se that we can . We must tell others that we must be ght, becse we can't mislead others by ing others.

Remember, we don't ask for retn for good deeds. We should show o patience. Even if the pblems are difficult, we will not unless we them to the end People will win people's respect, we should always lend a ing hand.




3:小写自己朋友,(the comr is my fend) the comr is my best electnic fend. It gives me knowledge. O school has a big comr om.

All the children have the opportunity to work there. I also have a comr at home. I send an email to my fends.

Encarta encyclopedia is very ful to my study. I also play s in the comr. I n learn to fly f fighter.

Comr is really a need Fends to .



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