
发布时间:2023-05-14 12:17:24 阅读:482 点赞:0

关于”生调查报告“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Health Svey Report。以下是关于生调查报告高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Health Svey Report

Recently, I investigated my clasates' views on the new English textbook, and some of them were very satiied with it, but did not like it. Students who like it say that pictes with words are very attractive, which greatly stimulates their interest in learning. The book is very interesting, covers many hot topi and pvides a lot of world cultal knowledge.

Howr, students who don't like it complain that too many new words and difficult sentences make the text difficult to understand. The conclusion is that the new English textbooks have greatly ed most students impve their English ll.





2:健康调查报告,I am wting to draw yo attention to the poor I received on yo long-distance bus. I'm sorry to tell you that I'm very disappointed with the yo company pvided us ding the joney, becse you didn't pvide such s as food, dnk and accommodation when the bus was in a traffic jam at night. What's , my luggage disappeared when the bus arved at its destination.

I am looking forward to answeng and solving my questions. Please contact me (phone number: yo loyal Minang).





3:生调查报告,One night in a traffic accident, Mr. Li dve his wife home fm work. She worked as a nse in the hospital.

It was nearly midnight. She was very tired and fell asleep. Mr.

Li looked at her with a ile on her face. Mr. Li was a careful and expeenced dver.

He knew that it was safer to dve slowly in the dark night. After a peod of time, he found a car following him Dving fast, he suddenly overtakes his car. The dver was in a hry.

He didn't see the truck coming, so as not to hit it. He adjusted his car suddenly. The car skidded out of the ad and hit a big tree.

The dver and his passengers were injed.

③ they were seously cut by the bken windshield.

④ Mr.

Li quickly stopped the car on the adside. His wife got out of the car to the injed truck dver stop to Mr. Li dve to get electcity About 25 minutes later, a police car and an ambulance arved.

The injed were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The police took down the details of the accident. Mr.

Li and the truck dver told them rything they remembered. The police thank them for their . Mr.

and Mrs. Li got into the car and went on their way home.




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