
发布时间:2023-07-12 10:21:52 阅读:1320 点赞:0

关于”调解朋友冲突“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:te fend conflicts。以下是关于调解朋友冲突高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:te fend conflicts

In o daily work, if it is beeen the employee and the boss, it is inevitable that there will be different opinions on a pblem. First of all, employees should have a comprehensive and clear understanding of their work, and be fully prepared to deal with it, so as to reduce the chance of conflict. In most cases, there is no absolute ght or wng, n if yo boss insists on his or her view, it may be wng Wng, you should also patiently explain that the pnciple of not losing contl is aimed at things, not people.




2:调解朋友冲突,I am a succesul peacemaker. Last Tuesday, my father and my mother quarreled over something for a whole week. My family seemed to be extremely dead: no ile, no lghter.

Fm time to time, I could hear mothers sigh deeply. How sad I was. How could I make them reconcile? On the way home fm school, I was still thinking about something.

Suddenly, I heard an old woman in Street: teaeggsa OK, I suddenly thought that dad liked tea and eggs best, so I went to the to buy o catties. Then I went to a fruit shop and bought o bags of plums. As soon as I got home, I started to make tea eggs for my great chef.

According to the established pattern of mothers, the clock struck fo times. I heard the motorcycles of dads appaching. How delicious their tea was, Dad, Mother cooked some tea eggs for you.

She said that you worked very hard. She said that no one would take care of you so carefully except mother. When mom comes back, you must thank her.

I chew eggs while nodding. I'm very busy. I want to go back to my factory.

I can't come back to have dinner with you. Please tell Mu Muzi to answer in about half an ho. Mom put the bicycle away and come in.

I take out plums fm the drawer. Dad bought them for you fm Hangzhou. He knows you like them very much Son, but it seemed a little confused, but she belid that I was telling the truth.

I nr told a lie. I started to do my homework in my om after supper. My mother was knitting woolen sweater in the living om at about nine o'clock.

The sound of motorcycle came back again. I knew my father would be back soon. But I quietly walked to the door and peeped into the living om.

My father came in with a ile and my mother stepped out of the chair Almost at the same time, my father said to her, "thank you, tuaha. My great plan has been succesul. I am full of joy, becse I am a succesul peacemaker..




3:调解朋友冲突,[translation] svey: half of the children have expeenced some happy or unhappy things, and they are most willing to share with their fends rather than their parents, which has a lot to do with the high school students' stng sense of independent self. At the same time, they have to admit that the gap beeen parents and children is not ooth, which hinders children fm saying what they are saying. The second choice is "keep o noses not "Say" followed by "parents can" show that children would rather be silent than tell their parents.

These data also warn us that the hearts of children and their parents are closed beeen the doors. When children enter puberty, their sense of independence and self-awareness continue to increase. They are willing to let their children communicate with their peers.

Howr, when they encounter difficulties, they often find that they trust them most to communicate. The data of this svey shows that parents' trust in their children is declining In the svey, it can be found that this kind of distrust is also the reason for the investigation. When "parents peek at yo diary, mobile phone like Pvacy" appeared in the svey, the child's answer was "sometimes you will see" said, "it has always been the case, only the respondents feel that their parents," I have nr seen "the children near Liucheng and their parents are not The same ll of distrust is undouedly one of the reasons why parents close the center of their body in fnt of their children.



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