
发布时间:2023-12-10 05:54:30 阅读:379 点赞:0

关于”科技改变生活“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Technolo changes life。以下是关于科技改变生活初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Technolo changes life

Technological inventions have changed o lives. Refgerators can be used to keep food fresh when they are invented. Becse there are less food discarded due to staleness, ry housewife is happy for the invention.

It is this invention that makes ry child enjoy ice cream in the summer vacation. Now the refgerator has become an essential part of o life when we decorate o public We have to buy this appliance when we live in it, becse we use it almost ry day. We can't imagine o lives without refgerators.




2:科技改变生活,With the rapid dlopment of modern science and technolo, we enjoy the convenience once in o dreams. People all know that mobile phones, comrs, the Internet, credit cards, aies, subways and so on have bught us a kind of modern life, which makes us comfortable, convenient and relaxed. But gradually, and people begin to realize that this kind of comfortable life may also have great harm to o envinment and o health.

Now, we have to admit that we have many unknown diseases bught about by modern science. You can't deny that air pollution, land reduction, Arctic melting and animal death must have something to do with it. Therefore, with the psuit of modern life, how to ptect the envinment and human beings themselves has become an gent pblem for all to solve.




3:科技改变生活,With the dlopment of science and technolo, some inventions seem to have changed o lives. One of the most important inventions is that television is becoming and important in o daily life. We can use it to get information or relax.

Some people are crazy about comrs becse they will have a good time. In my opinion, a person who can't use comrs will nr have a perfect life. I beli these inventions will make o life wonderful.



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