
发布时间:2024-03-06 16:48:20 阅读:43 点赞:0

关于”晚宴邀请函“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invitation to dinner。以下是关于晚宴邀请函高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invitation to dinner

+We will hold this nt to commemorate you and to meet with you. I'm honored to have dinner with you. We sincerely hope you can attend.

You will be my most respected guest. Please come and confirm yo participation as soon as possible. If you decide to come, please let me know as soon as possible.

I will be very happy to be of to you. I am wting to invite you to participate in some questions you may want to know. First of all, we will have many activities that you are interested in.

Secondly, I beli you will be interested in one thing or another. Since it is about to start, may I look forward to yo coming.






2:晚餐邀请,Dear XXX, if you can attend my graduation ceremony, we have already taken the entrance examination, we will be very happy to meet you at my home. We should be happy for any result. The date of graduation ceremony is June.

We hope you can come on Sunday, becse this may be o last chance to get together. I want you to remember o happy memoes. My love is always aund you.

I always hope you can come to the best wishes to yo fend XXX.




3:晚宴邀请函,Dear Mr. or Mrs. logo: Yes, I'm very glad to invite Mr.

* * to visit o factory and discuss business. The business tp will start fm Apl. Due to the long-term business cooperation beeen * * and us in the fute, they will come to China many times.

But please note that we will not bear any legal or economic responsibility. No matter in China or in China, all the expenses of travelling to and fm China are in China The cost of the stay and health insance will be borne by the staff. We extend o sincere greetings and best wishes to you and wish you a pleasant joney.



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